WFLHD Supplements to PDDM Chapter 9 are available for the following sections:
Section 9.1 - General
9.1.3 Exceptions to Design Standards
- Supplement Documenting Design Exceptions - provides guidance in documenting exceptions to Highway Design Standards within WFLHD
Section 9.5 - Other Highway Design Elements
9.5.9 Right-of-Way and Utility Considerations
- Supplement 9.5.9-1 Land Use Determination for Right-of-Way Coordination - explains how to evaluate and provide design information to Realty Services for the purpose of obtaining the proper right-of-way and documenting the requirements.
Section 9.6 - PS&E Development
9.6.1 PS&E Package
- Supplement 9.6.1-2 Sealing and Signing of Documents Prepared by A/E Firms - specifies the type of documents that are required to be sealed by a licensed professional for highway design, construction, and related services, and the requirements for signing and sealing those documents.
9.6.2 Alternative PS&E Development and Contracting Options
- Supplement 9.6.2-1 A+B Bidding (Price + Time) - This supplement describes the process for implementing the A+B Bidding contracting method in WFLHD.
9.6.3 PS&E Development at Various Stages of Design
- Supplement 9.6.3-1 PS&E Development at Various Stages of Design - describes the design process in WFLHD.
9.6.4 Review
- Supplement 9.6.4-1 CFT and Partner Milestone Review Procedures - procedures for submitting a project package of plans, specifications, and cost estimate (PS&E package) for review at project milestones, expectations for milestone reviews, and the resolution of comments.
- Supplement Title Sheet Signatures - guidance for obtaining approval of the project title sheet and preparing a digital version of the final title sheet.
- Supplement PS&E Package Signoff Process - process for final approval of the PS&E package and hand-off to Acquisitions for preparation of the solicitation package
9.6.5 Plans
- Supplement 9.6.5-1 Standard Format for Plans - explains the standard format, drafting standards, and organization of the project plans created within and for WFLHD.
9.6.6 Supporting Information
- Supplement Computation of Quantities - clarifies how various quantities are to be calculated.
- Supplement Design Book Assembly - guidance for organizing the project design files into the Design Book.
- Supplement Design Narrative Creation - describes the Design Narrative prepared for the Construction Project Engineer.
- Supplement PE Hold File Checklist - guidance for assembling the PE Hold File Checklist.
9.6.8 Engineer's Estimate
- Supplement Development of Prices - explains how prices are developed at the various project development review stages.
- Supplement Assessment of Cost Uncertainties and Risks - procedures for including Adjustments for Price Fluctuations into a contract, especially for fuel escalation.
9.6.9 Specifications
- Supplement 9.6.9-1 Writing Special Contract Requirements - guidance for creating WFLHD special contract requirements (SCR) for the PS&E package. < FUTURE >
9.6.10 Contract Assembly
- Supplement 9.6.10-1 Amendment Process - provides guidance for preparing and submitting an amendment to the PS&E package during advertisement.
- Supplement 9.6.10-2 Release of Digital Design Data for 3D Engineered Models - specifies digital design data included with the physical data.
9.6.11 Quality Control and Quality Assurance
- Supplement 9.6.11-1 Project Development QC/QA in WFLHD - describes the Quality Control and Quality Assurance functions during the WFLHD Project Development process.