
The Federal Lands Highway Hydraulics Team provides technical expertise and support in matters related to hydrology, highway drainage, culvert & bridge hydraulics, scour, and coastal highways. This involves providing services to internal FLH and FHWA staff, and external partners. The FLH Hydraulics Team has members in each FLH Division Office who perform the full range of hydrologic and hydraulic investigations, analysis, and design needed to deliver the Federal Lands Highway Program. The FLH Hydraulics Team works to establish FLH-wide policy, procedures, and standards. The Team provides assistance in interpretation of hydraulic policies, technical publications, software, and recommended guidance in solving difficult and unusual drainage problems.
Hydraulic Tools
- FHWA Hydraulic Toolbox Suite of calculators for hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and design
- HY-8 Culvert Analysis Program Culvert hydraulic analysis and design
- Watershed Modeling System (WMS) Watershed computer simulation and modeling
- Surface-Water Modeling System (SMS) Two-dimensional hydraulic analysis (SRH-2D)
- Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) One and two-dimensional hydraulic analysis
- USGS StreamStats Provides flow statistics, drainage-basin characteristics, and other information for gaged and ungaged sites on streams
- Web Soil Survey (WSS) Soil data produced by USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
- NOAA Atlas 14 Precipitation Frequency Data Server
- NOAA Atlas 2 Precipitation Frequency Estimates in GIS Compatible Formats
- PeakFQ Flood Frequency Analysis Based on Bulletin 17C