Chapter_03.pdf (1.41 MB)
– CFL Supplements
– WFL Supplements
PDDM Chapter 3
- Section 3.1 - Introduction
- 3.1.1 - Purpose
- 3.1.2 - Applicability to Federal Lands Highway Projects
- 3.1.3 - Organization
- 3.1.4 - Revisions
- Section 3.2 - Responsibilities by Program
- 3.2.1 - General Environmental Compliance Responsibilities
- 3.2.2 - Program-Specific Environmental Compliance Responsibilities
- 3.2.3 - Other Agreements and Programs
- Section 3.3 - Laws, Regulations, Policies, Guidance and Permits
- 3.3.1 - National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 USC 4321; PL 91 90)
- 3.3.2 - Resource-Specific Environmental Considerations
- 3.3.3 - Commonly Required Permits
- Section 3.4 - Environmental Process
- 3.4.1 - Role of Environmental Streamlining in the Environmental Process
- 3.4.2 - Federal Lands Highway Environmental Process
- Section 3.5 - NEPA Documentation
- 3.5.1 - NEPA Class of Action
- 3.5.2 - NEPA Document Contents
- 3.5.3 - Internal Document Approvals
- Section 3.6 - Tracking and Reporting
- 3.6.1 - Environmental Document Tracking System
- 3.6.2 - Wetland Impact and Mitigation Reporting
- 3.6.3 - Endangered Species Act Compliance Costs
- 3.6.4 - Section 4(f) De Minimis Findings
- 3.6.5 - Environmental Commitments
- 3.6.6 - Other Tracking
PDDM Chapter 3 Appendices
Chapter_03A.pdf (121.66 KB)
- Appendix 3A.1 - Laws, Regulations, Policies, Guidance and Permits
- 3A.1.1 - Resource-Specific Environmental Considerations
- Appendix 3A.2 - NEPA Documentation
- 3A.2.1 - Categorical Exclusion
- 3A.2.2 - Environmental Assessment
- 3A.2.3 - Finding of No Significant Impact
- 3A.2.4 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- 3A.2.5 - Reevaluations