The cost per HSIP project in 2016 ranged widely. Some projects were small in scope and cost, such as replacing signs on a particular route. Others were higher cost projects, such as widening a highway or reconfiguring an intersection. Figure 5 shows the breakdown by project cost, grouped into general categories with breakpoints at $100,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000.

Figure 5: Number of Projects by Project Cost
Roughly 63 percent of the projects had costs less than $500K. A small percentage (13 percent) fell into the $500K – $1M category. The remaining 24 percent were high cost projects totaling $1M or more. The top five sub categories selected for these high cost projects are:
- Widen shoulder – paved or other (127 projects ranging from 1.2 to 25 miles treated)
- Roadway – other (57 projects)
- Barrier – metal (38 projects ranging from 0.7 to 150 miles treated)
- Auxiliary lanes – add left-turn lane (33 projects)
- Intersection geometry – other (33 projects)
In 2013, 2014, and 2015, the breakdowns were similar. About two-thirds of the projects had costs less than $500K, about 11 to 13 percent fell into the $500K – $1M category, and the remaining 20 percent were more than $1M.