HSIP Noteworthy Practices
Leveraging the experiences of peers can help you identify shortcuts, best practices, and ideas for different approaches that have proven successful.
The TAP-ing into HSIP noteworthy practice shows how Ohio DOT is using the new BIL provision that allows States to use HSIP funds as a credit toward the non-Federal share for Transportation Alternative projects.
HSIP Project Delivery - The desire to get safety projects done more efficiently has led several States to pursue alternative forms of project delivery in order to save time, reduce costs, or both. Safety champions from various State DOTs share their experience in pursuing different project delivery methods as they deliver safety projects on their road network.
Local Road Safety: A Framework for Local Road Safety Policies and Programs
The purpose of this guide is to establish a framework for States developing or updating local road safety programs or policies and to provide examples of how peers administer local road safety programs. This document is not intended to suggest the best strategy. Rather it presents an array of approaches States have taken to incorporate local road safety in an overall State safety program.
HSIP National Scan Tour Final Report
FHWA conducted a scan tour of HSIP practices in Alaska, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, and Utah. The Scan Tour final report highlights notable practices in the areas of HSIP administration, planning, implementation and evaluation for each of these States.
Synthesis of Local Road Safety Noteworthy Practices This synthesis report summarizes noteworthy practices and lessons learned from local road safety peer exchanges and various other local safety publications produced over the past five years.
HSIP Noteworthy Practice Series The HSIP Noteworthy Practices Series presents case studies of these successful practices organized by specific HSIP topics. The individual case studies provide summaries of each practice, key accomplishments, results, and contact information for those interested in learning more.
Local Safety Scan Several States were identified to participate in the Local Road Safety Domestic Scan, allowing a team of transportation professionals from the Federal, State, and local levels to visit and document their practices. This report identifies and documents those practices in the planning, programming, and implementation of efforts to improve local road safety.
Also, don't forget to visit the Roadway Safety Noteworthy Practices Database, where you can find the more information on the successful practices of your peers.