All Federal-aid Essentials Videos
Library Directory (click to navigate)
- Federal-aid Program Overview
- Finance
- Right-of-Way
- Environment
- Civil Rights
- Project Development
- Project Construction and Contract Administration
- Other Programs
* denotes videos that are regulatory related and essential to a Local Public Agency charged with administering a Federal-aid Project.
General Information
- Stewardship and Oversight
- Risk-Based Stewardship and Oversight (RBSO)
- A Process from "Cradle to Grave"*
- Key Actions in the Cradle to Grave Process*
- Avoiding Waste and Abuse, and Detecting Fraud
- Funding Basics and Eligibility*
- Project Requirements*
Administrative Requirements
- Introduction to Cost Principles*
- Administrative Requirements*
- Transparency Act Sub Award Reporting*
- Single Audit*
- Developing an Indirect Cost Allocation Plan*
Internal Control
Project Funding
- Introduction to Right-of-Way Requirements and the Uniform Act
- Project Development
- Property Management
Uniform Act
- Overview of NEPA as Applied to Transportation Projects*
- Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL)
- Public Involvement*
NEPA Regulatory Framework and Process
- Documentation and the Environmental Process*
- NEPA Compliance and Class of Actions*
- Categorical Exclusion*
- Environmental Impact Statement*
- Environmental Assessment*
- Purpose & Need, and Alternatives*
- Agency Coordination*
- Mitigation of Environmental Impacts and Environmental Commitment Compliance*
- The Social Environment
Other Laws and Requirements
- Overview of Other Laws and Requirements*
- Section 4(f) of the USDOT Act of 1966*
- Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act*
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act*
- Endangered Species Act*
- Highway Traffic Noise
- Overview of FHWA’s Civil Rights Program Requirements for Local Public Agencies*
- Nondiscrimination Requirements on Construction Contracts*
Title VI/Nondiscrimination
- Background and Purpose*
- Nondiscrimination Assurances*
- Implementation Plans*
- Compliance and Enforcement*
Americans with Disabilities Act
- Foundations of the ADA/Section 504*
- Disability Protections*
- Transition Plans*
- Self-Evaluation Basics
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
- Program Overview*
- Project Contract Administration*
- Prompt Payment and Return of Retainage*
- DBE Contract Goals
- Evaluating Good Faith Efforts
- Commercially Useful Function*
- Evaluating a Commercially Useful Function (CUF)
Required Approvals
- Projects and Statewide Planning Requirements
- Cost-Effectiveness Determinations and Public-Interest Findings*
- Selecting the Method of Construction: Contract or Force Account*
- Project Advertisement, Bid Review, and Request for Concurrence in Award*
- Pedestrian Accessible Design Requirements*
- Bike and Pedestrian Accommodation
- Project Geometric Design Requirements*
- Value Engineering Requirements for Federal-aid Projects*
Preparing the PS&E
- Environmental Requirements*
- Utility Coordination and Certification Requirements*
- Railroad Coordination and Certification Requirements*
- Right-of-Way Coordination and Certification Requirements*
Contract Specifications
- Purchasing Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) and Traffic Technology*
- Scoping and Conducting a Traffic Study to Meet Community Needs
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
ADA Field Implementation
Project Management
- Supervising Agency Requirements (Responsible Charge)*
- Construction Quality Assurance*
- Design-Build Procurement*
- Project Closeout*
Contract Administration
- Contract Time and Schedule Management*
- Change Orders*
- Buy America Field Compliance*
- Job Site Posters*
- Job Site Posters Compliance*
- Contractor Payroll Submittals and Statements of Compliance*
- Contractor Force Account*
Safety and Operations
- Job Site Worker Safety
- Transportation Management Plan Requirements*
- Work Zone Traffic Control Reviews
Using Consultants
- Consultant Services Overview
- Hiring a Consultant Using Competitive Negotiation Procedures*
- Organizational and Consultant Conflicts of Interest
Emergency Relief (ER) and Program Administration
- Program Overview and Eligibility*
- Initial Steps for Requesting ER Funds
- Steps for Receiving Reimbursement of ER Expenses*
- Emergency versus Permanent Repairs*
- Bridge Preservation
- Asphalt Pavement Preservation
- Concrete Pavement (PCCP) Preservation
- National Bridge Inspection Standards*
- Developing a Risk-Based Scour Program
- Bridge Load Rating and Posting*
Safety and Planning
Last updated: Thursday, February 27, 2025