Based on a review of State SHSPs, FHWA identified the eight SHSP emphasis areas common across most States. These emphasis areas are used in the HSIP online reporting tool for categorizing HSIP projects. Figure 17 presents the number of HSIP projects categorized by SHSP emphasis area. For consistency and national reporting purposes, state-defined SHSP emphasis areas were assigned to these emphasis areas, where possible. Please note that States sometimes categorize a single project by several SHSP Emphasis Areas. Therefore, for the purpose of Figure 17 , a single project may be counted more than once. For example, the State recently completed an intersection improvement project that enhanced safety for pedestrians. This project could be categorized as "Intersections" as well "Pedestrians" and is therefore counted once in each category.
About 42 percent of the projects were categorized as "Roadway Departure" (33 percent in 2014), 31 percent were categorized as "Intersections" (27 percent in 2014), 14 percent categorized as "Unknown/Other" (26 percent in 2014. Examples of other categories used by the States include: "Improve driver decisions about rights-of-way and turning", "Spot safety improvements", and "Curbing aggressing driving".

Figure 17. Number of Projects by SHSP Emphasis Area