Figure 3 through Figure 7 illustrate the distribution of projects by the types of roads on which they were conducted. Figure 3 shows number of projects by functional class, following the HPMS classification scheme; Figure 4 shows average total cost of projects by functional class; Figure 5 shows the number and average total cost of projects by urban/rural designation; Figure 6 shows projects by the agency who owns the road; and Figure 7 shows average total cost of projects by the agency who owns the road. If the functional class or road ownership was not indicated, the project is counted under the "unknown" category. Examples of classifications in the "other" category include multiple functional classes, state or citywide implementation, or non-infrastructure projects.

Figure 3 . Number of Projects by Functional Class
As in 2014, most projects were categorized as "Unknown" indicating that the State did not associate a functional class for a particular project. Projects that were associated with a functional class were most often categorized as "Rural Major Collector" or "Urban Principal Arterial – Other". There were 419 projects categorized as "Other" and of those, roughly 250 were categorized as multiple classes or systemic. Roughly another 30 projects were categorized as "n/a" due to the fact that they were non-infrastructure projects.

Figure 4. Average Total Cost of Projects by Functional Class
Figure 4 shows the average total cost of projects by functional class. It is important to note that not every project had an associated cost so the average is based on the number of projects which had cost information available. Projects categorized as "Urban Principal Arterial – Interstate" had the highest average total cost per project of $3.01 million (compared to $2.73M in 2014) and projects categorized as "Rural Local Road or Street" had the lowest average total cost per project of $330,000 (compared to $220,000 in 2014).

Figure 5 . Number and Average Total Cost of Projects by Urban/Rural Designation
Figure 5 illustrates the number and average total cost of projects by urban/rural designation. As in 2014, there are fewer total urban projects than rural projects but the average total cost of the urban projects is greater than the average total cost of the rural projects.

Figure 6. Number of Projects by Road Ownership
As in 2014, States implement most projects on roads owned by a "State Highway Agency" or "Unknown" (indicating that the State did not indicate road ownership for a particular project). There were 110 projects categorized as "Other" and of those, roughly 90 were categorized in state-defined ownership categories. No projects were categorized for the following ownerships:
- State Park, Forest, or Reservation Agency
- Private (Other than Railroad)
- Railroad
- State Toll Authority
- Local Toll Authority
- Other Public Instrumentality

Figure 7. Average Total Cost of Projects by Road Ownership
Figure 7 shows the average total cost of projects by road ownership. It is important to note that not every project had an associated cost so the average is based on the number of projects which had cost information available. Projects categorized as "Other State Agency" had the highest average total cost per project of $9 million and projects categorized as "Local Park, Forest, or Reservation Agency" had the lowest average total cost per project of $81,000.