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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTP)

Long Range Transportation Plans are an essential element of an agency's transportation planning process. These documents serve as the foundation for the development of the Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP) that are administered at the agency's regional level through a cooperative effort between the FLH Division offices and the various Federal Land Management Agencies (FLMAs). The traditional LRTP is a 20-year planning horizon vision document that reflects the application of programmatic transportation goals to project prioritization. Transportation plans are conducted at the National, Regional, and unit level for FLMAs. LRTP include financial components that demonstrate how the recommended transportation plan can be implemented, identify the public and private resources expected to be available to carry out the plan, and recommend any additional financing strategies for needed projects and programs.

Transportation plans vary in terms of their planning horizon, scope, purpose and geographic scale. However, the same general planning process applies whether a plan is developed at a unit, statewide, multi-state regional, or national level. The variety of transportation assets, site conditions, and evolving visitor needs across federal lands presents significant challenges for agencies. These challenges are further compounded by modern demands related to safety, congestion, and the impacts of natural disasters, all within a fiscally constrained environment. It is crucial for agencies to prioritize transportation investments across all travel modes and facilities to ensure efficient use of resources. The FLMAs utilize LRTP to guide decision-making and strategically allocate funding to address the transportation needs of their region or unit.

The FLH Planning Team is responsible for either directly developing, or assisting in the creation and implementation of, Long Range Transportation Plans for all of our Federal Land Management Agency partners. A representative listing of recently completed assignments of this nature include the following: