In accordance with the suggestions made by focus group participants and FHWA and NHTSA, the outreach materials were revised. For example, Figure E-1 shows a revised front side of the brochure on alcohol. The title was changed from "No sabía" / "I didn't know" to "¿Usted sabía?" / "Did you know?" The title and the fact are now in a larger font. The "X" showing where a crash could occur has been replaced by the outline of a person on the pavement.

Ten thousand copies of each brochure and each flier will be produced and provided to FHWA/NHTSA in December 2005. The PSA featuring the two women was considered suitable and clear without revision; it will be provided to FHWA/NHTSA by November 2005. The text PSA featuring the two men and the bus is in production and will be provided to FHWA/NHTSA by November 2005.