Pedestrian Safety in Communities
The materials contained on this page provide information for anyone–regardless of their level of knowledge on pedestrian safety matters–interested in improving pedestrian safety at grass roots level.
A Resident's Guide for Creating Safer a Communities for Walking and Biking includes information, ideas, and resources to help residents learn about issues that affect walking and biking conditions; find ways to address or prevent these problems; and promote pedestrian and bicyclist safety. The Guide provides examples from other communities working to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety and also contains fact sheets, worksheets, and sample materials that can be distributed or adapted to meet the needs of a community. References to other resources and materials are also provided.
Pedestrian Safety Campaign is a comprehensive set of materials for local communities to use in implementing their own Pedestrian Safety Campaign. It includes materials designed for use in television, radio, cinema, and print advertising. Some of the materials are in Spanish. States and local communities are responsible for implementing the campaign through local television and radio stations and print media. A Campaign Planning Guide that explains in detail how to implement the campaign successfully at the local level is also available.