STEP — Resources
- Guide for Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Crossing Locations
- Improving Visibility at Trail Crossings
Countermeasure Tech Sheets
- Crosswalk Visibility Enhancements
- Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI)
- Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB)
- Pedestrian Refuge Island
- Raised Crosswalk
- Road Diet
- Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon
STEP Studio
- STEP Studio is a comprehensive compilation of resources, design guidance, research, and best practices for practitioners to identify appropriate countermeasures for improved pedestrian safety.
Innovation Conversation
- Episode 1: Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) in the Virginia DOT
Pedestrian deaths are on the rise across the country, but State and local agencies are working to make pedestrians safer in their communities. Join Mark Cole from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and Peter Eun from FHWA as they discuss Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) and how VDOT is tackling this tough problem.
Case Studies
- Arlington County Finds the Best Spots for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons
- Austin Puts Pedestrians Out Front with Widespread Leading Pedestrian Intervals
- Broward MPO Plans for Pedestrian Safety
- Connecticut & Tennessee Fund Pedestrian Safety
- High-Volume Road Diet Success in Los Angeles
- Louisiana Complete Streets Policy Update
- Los Angeles Makes Strategic Crossing Enhancements Using Detailed Inventory
- MDOT Puts STEP Countermeasures into Context
- Milwaukee Counts on Data for Improving Pedestrian Safety
- ODOT Designs Pedestrian Safety Program to Fast-Track Project Construction
- Agencies Design Raised Crosswalks for Snow, Rain, and Heavy Vehicles
- Successful High-Volume Road Diet in St. Paul
- RIDOT Crossing Inventory Guides Infrastructure Improvements
- Seattle's New-and-Improved Proactive Approach to Pedestrian Safety
- Virginia Puts Award-Winning Plan Into Action to Improve Pedestrian Safety
- Watch for Me NC Combines Education and Enforcement to Improve Pedestrian Safety
- Alabama Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
- Arizona Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
- NCDOT Evaluates Effects of Beachside Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
- Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons in Maine
- New Jersey Complete Streets Design Guide
- Virginia 2017 – 2021 Strategic Highway Safety Plan
- Washington State Design Manual
- Publicly-Supported Road Diet Reduces Speeds in Alexandria
- Austin Supports the Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
- Raised Crosswalks Raise Visibility for Pedestrians in Harrisburg
- Low-Cost Improvements Increase Yielding at Crosswalks in Michigan
- Marketing Campaign and PHBs Improve Safety for Pedestrians in Tampa
- Research Guides Countermeasure Selection in Boulder
- Medians Provide Safety Benefits to All in Florida
- Pedestrian Facility Inventory Prepares for Future Planning in Lexington
- North Carolina Goes With the Flow(chart) to Identify Countermeasures
- Data Drives Pedestrian Safety Improvements in Oregon
Improved PEDSAFE tool helps agencies STEP UP
The PEDSAFE (Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System) guidance document has been updated to be more interactive and usable to a wide range of decision-makers. Within PEDSAFE's Countermeasure Selection Tool, users can select Improve Safety at Uncontrolled Crossings. The tool then leads the user through a series of questions directly linked to the FHWA Guide for Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Crossing Locations. The tool returns a list of countermeasures suitable to the roadway conditions specified by the user, and each countermeasure is linked to a page in PEDSAFE that includes details about typical costs, design considerations, and installation examples from across the U.S.
FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasures