STEP UP Campaign
Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) is a recognized program, having produced valuable resources and providing technical assistance on proven countermeasures for pedestrian safety. However, as pedestrian fatalities continue to rise, FHWA encourages agencies to STEP UP and increase implementation of proven safety countermeasures at crossing locations.
The STEP UP Campaign focuses on several key safety issues for pedestrians, including crossing at night, midblock crossings, and older pedestrians. The following STEP UP materials are available for download and use in customized news articles, social media posts, and print items to focus on these key safety issues.
How to STEP UP
Develop social media posts or news articles:
- Take a photo of a local example STEP countermeasure
- Incorporate STEP UP materials or information
- Highlight how the STEP countermeasure improves pedestrian safety or visibility
- Link to STEP Resources, such as tech sheets or videos
- Celebrate your STEP UP examples with #EDC_STEP
Email Becky Crowe at to share your success story:
- Share your local photos and project information with STEP
- Follow FHWA social media and newsletters
- Watch for FHWA to highlight your STEP UP example
STEP UP Materials
Issue Briefs