Available Training and Technical Assistance
Training Options for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Focus States and Planning Organizations
The Federal Highway Administration provides the following training courses at no cost to agencies designated as Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Focus States and Planning Organizations. Contact program staff to discuss scheduling.
Target Audiences for Training Courses
Training options vary depending on the audience you would like to involve. Before scheduling courses or distributing invitations, take a look at the intended audience for each course below. Courses can be tailored with any audience in mind, so please reach out to program staff to come up with the most appropriate option for your audience.
Target Audience: P = Planners / E = Engineers / LE = Law Enforcement / O = Others
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DESIGNING FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: This 2-day course is intended to help state and local transportation professionals address pedestrian safety issues through design and engineering solutions. Modules introduce the principles of pedestrian safety design and provide information about proven countermeasures. |
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PLANNING AND DESIGNING FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: This 3-day course combines elements of the 2-day pedestrian-focused courses for a comprehensive examination of strategies to identify safety problems, develop plans, and implement solutions through engineering, policy, and behavioral interventions. |
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DESIGNING FOR BICYCLIST SAFETY: This 1-day course provides an introduction to bicyclist safety design principles and provides planners and engineers with a foundation of knowledge needed to understand bicyclists’ needs and improve their safety through engineering and design strategies. |
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HOW TO DEVELOP A PEDESTRIAN AND/OR BICYCLIST SAFETY ACTION PLAN: This 2-day course is designed to help agencies understand where to begin to address pedestrian and/or bicyclist safety issues and assist agencies in further enhancing their existing pedestrian and/or bicyclist programs and activities. |
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ADVANCED COURSES | DESIGNING FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY 201: This course provides agencies with a closer look at pedestrian safety countermeasures and focus on details about their effectiveness and intended use. Agencies can select modules in advance to build a course that is tailored to their needs and interests. A few examples of possible modules include curb extensions, LPIs, road diets, roundabouts, and work zones. |
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COMPLETE STREETS PLANNING AND DESIGN: This course provides agencies with a custom approach to improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety using a complete streets approach. The session can be tailored to focus on developing complete streets policies or plans, as well as implementation of existing policies. |
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PEDESTRIAN AND/OR BICYCLIST SAFETY ACTION PLAN TEMPLATE WORKSHOP: This 3-day workshop is designed to create a draft pedestrian and/or bicyclist safety action plan for state and local agencies wanting to address safety issues. The template is a tool for examining and prioritizing agency programs, designs and practices needed to improve pedestrian and/or bicyclist safety. Agencies complete work in advance of the training and finish with a draft pedestrian and/or bicyclist safety action plan. |
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SYSTEMIC METHODS FOR PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLIST SAFETY: This 2-hour course will include the potential data sources, methodologies, and practical applications of systemic methods that help improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety. |
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SAFE SYSTEM APPROACH: This 2-hour course will cover the basics of the Safe System Approach and how the approach can be applied to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety through planning and design. The course will also include specific examples and tools. |
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PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE SIGNALS: This 2-hour course will cover application criteria, design specifications, special considerations, and example applications of pedestrian and bicycle signals. |
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OTHER TRAINING OPTIONS | ROAD SAFETY AUDITS: Guided workshops lead agencies through the process of performing road safety audits focusing on pedestrian and bicyclist safety. Teams gather information in advance, convene an audit team, and perform a field review of locations in need of safety improvements. |
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EXECUTIVE-LEVEL BRIEFINGS: These half-day sessions are intended to provide information about pedestrian and bicyclist safety to decision makers and “make the case” for prioritizing safety. Discussions will be targeted to the agency’s needs and tailored to those involved in the meetings. |
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ON-DEMAND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Our team is available to respond to a wide range of issues related to bicyclist and pedestrian safety. We can hold conference calls to discuss particular issues and locations, or even provide guidance for data analysis. We have developed and delivered courses on complete streets policies, road diets, and a number of other topics as needs arise. |
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COURSES AVAILABLE FROM THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION (NHTSA): NHTSA offers two pedestrian and bicyclist safety training courses related to program management for highway safety professionals and partners. For more information, contact your NHTSA Regional office. |
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