STEP — Webinars and Links
STEP for Local Transportation Agencies
Improved PEDSAFE tool helps agencies STEP up Pedestrian Safety
The PEDSAFE (Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System) guidance document has been updated to be more interactive and usable to a wide range of decision-makers. Within PEDSAFE's Countermeasure Selection Tool, users can select Improve Safety at Uncontrolled Crossings. The tool then leads the user through a series of questions directly linked to the FHWA Guide for Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Crossing Locations. The tool returns a list of countermeasures suitable to the roadway conditions specified by the user, and each countermeasure is linked to a page in PEDSAFE that includes details about typical costs, design considerations, and installation examples from across the U.S.