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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Appendix D. Focus Group Testing Of Outreach Materials

After the preliminary outreach materials were developed, they were then tested by focus groups with Hispanic pedestrians and bicyclists. The objective was to ensure that the materials were effective, contextually meaningful, and would resonate with the Hispanic population. One focus group, with 11 participants, was held in Silver Spring, MD. Another focus group, with 12 participants, was held in Colorado Springs, CO. Both focus groups were conducted during October 2005.

The focus groups were asked questions that addressed the content of the materials, as well as the medium (e.g., print, audio/visual). Brochure questions included, "What do you think about the cover of the brochure? If you saw this brochure, do you think you would pick it up and read it? Why or why not?" Example PSA questions included, "What was your overall opinion about this script? What parts of the script did you like? Why? What parts of the script did you dislike? Why?" In addition, the focus groups were asked if any words or phrases in the materials were confusing or possibly offensive.

D.1 Feedback on Brochures and Flyers

In general, participants thought all the flyers and brochures were necessary and important for educational purposes; however, most participants suggested changing the cover graphic and text of brochures to more accurately portray the message.

  • Most participants thought that the titles of the brochures should be a brighter color to call more attention to message of the brochure.
  • Participants liked images depicting a family or more than one person, and were less interested in images featuring one individual. It is suggested that pictures be updated to include families or groups of people together to show a more realistic situation of how Hispanics walk or ride together.
  • Another concern the participants verbalized was that the traffic scenarios were not realistic, and that representing the traffic situation that they face on a daily basis is an important change that should be made.
  • There were no offensive phrases found in any of the flyers or brochures. However participants recommended that the language used in the brochures be simplified for those individuals who are less literate, but would find this information equally as useful.
  • In addition, many participants expressed concern with the phrase No sabía ("I didn't know"), and found that opening title confusing. It is recommended the title be changed to one that is easier to understand, such as "Do you know?"

D.2 Feedback on PSAs

Participants thought that with minor changes, the PSAs, like the brochures and flyers, were important for informing people of their rights and road safety, especially for those that are less literate. People thought both the first PSA and the third PSA were the most important to be played on radio stations, however, most did not like the portrayal of characters in the second PSA.

PSA #1 (MEN)

  • Participants had mixed reviews about the PSA featuring two men. While some participants liked this PSA, finding the situation with the two guys as funny, other participants thought that the second PSA was biased and unrealistic. To err on the side of caution, this should be re-worked or not used.
  • Overall, participants noted very little confusion in terminology and found the PSA informative and useful.


  • Participants liked the PSA featuring women talking.
  • No one found the phrases offensive or difficult to understand.
  • Most participants liked the women's way of speaking and could clearly understand the messages being communicated in the PSA.
  • Overall, participants found the PSA important and informative.

PSA #3 (Script)

  • Most participants liked this PSA, and especially enjoyed the tone of the speakers. Overall, participants thought that this PSA adequately addressed the message being communicated.
  • Participants noted no offensive or confusing phrases.

It was recommended that the brochures be distributed though churches, schools, offices, stores, subway/metro stations, community centers, parks and through the mail. Participants noted Western Union, Hispanic restaurants, churches, Hispanic organizations (e.g., Casa de Maryland, Centro Católico Hispano), and country consulates as places to distribute flyers. Participants thought that the PSAs should be played on Hispanic-targeted radio stations in the morning or afternoon. It was also suggested that television commercials on this topic be developed as a way to inform the Hispanic community about pedestrian and bicycle safety.