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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Compliance Assessment

The HSIP and Safety Performance Measure Final Rules[4] introduced several new requirements relating to the SHSP update cycle, Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) fundamental data elements, and serious injury definition. In addition, FHWA established a strategic initiative for every State to conduct an HSIP program assessment at least once every 5 years. To ensure States are making progress towards meeting these requirements, States should provide the current status of these efforts in their annual HSIP report.

SHSP Update Cycle

States must update their SHSP at least once every 5 years [23 CFR 924.9(a)(3)(i)]. To help FHWA ensure compliance with this requirement, States should report information related to their SHSP update efforts. This information should include, at a minimum, the date that the State SHSP was approved or signed by the Governor or designated State representative; the years covered by the current SHSP, and an estimated date for completion of the next SHSP update.

MIRE Fundamental Data Elements

States must incorporate specific quantifiable and measurable anticipated improvements for the collection of MIRE fundamental data elements into their Traffic Records Strategic Plan by July 1, 2017 [23 CFR 924.11(b)]. The HSIP report should provide the current status of MIRE fundamental data collection efforts and briefly describe actions the State will take moving forward to meet the requirement for States to have access to the MIRE fundamental data elements on all public roads by September 30, 2026.

Serious Injury Definition

States must use serious injury data that is either MMUCC 4th edition compliant or converted to the KABCO system (A) for injury classification through use of the NHTSA conversion tables [23 CFR 490.207(c)]. States should describe the current status of compliance with this requirement, for both the crash database and the standard crash report form, in the HSIP report. If the State is not yet compliant with the MMUCC 4th edition definition, it should describe the actions it plans to take to become compliant by April 15, 2019.

Program Assessment

States should conduct an HSIP program assessment (e.g. self-assessment, program review or peer review) at least once every 5 years. States should describe their efforts to meet this goal. This might include the date and topic of the most recent assessment, or an estimated timeframe to complete a planned assessment.