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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Attachment 1: Highway Safety Improvement Categories

Highway Safety Improvement Project Categories
(Source: HSIS Safety Improvements Database)

While a single project may consist of multiple project types, each project should be assigned to only one category and sub-category combination. The category/sub-category chosen should align with the primary purpose of the project.

Category Sub-category Output Measure
Access management Access management – other # miles or # access points
Change in access – close or restrict existing access # miles or # access points
Change in access – miscellaneous/unspecified # miles or #access points
Grassed median – extend existing # miles
Median crossover – close crossover # miles or # crossovers
Median crossover – directional crossover # miles or # crossovers
Median crossover – relocate existing # miles or # crossovers
Median crossover – unspecified # miles or # crossovers
Raised island – install new # miles
Raised island – modify existing # miles
Raised island – remove existing # miles
Raised island – unspecified # miles
Advanced technology and ITS Advanced technology and ITS – other # intersections or # units
Congestion detection / traffic monitoring system # miles or # units
Dynamic message signs # locations or # signs
Over height vehicle detection # locations
Alignment Alignment – other # miles
Horizontal curve realignment # curves
Horizontal and vertical alignment # miles
Vertical alignment or elevation change # miles
Animal-related Animal related # miles or # locations
Interchange design Acceleration / deceleration / merge lane # miles or # locations
Convert at-grade intersection to interchange # intersections
Extend existing lane on ramp # miles or # ramps
Improve intersection radius at ramp terminus # intersections
Installation of new lane on ramp # miles or # ramps
Interchange design – other # interchanges
Ramp closure # ramps
Ramp metering # ramps
Intersection geometry Auxiliary lanes – add acceleration lane # intersections or # lanes
Auxiliary lanes – add auxiliary through lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – add left-turn lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – add right-turn lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – add right-turn lane (free-flow) # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – add slip lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – add two-way left-turn lane # miles
Auxiliary lanes – extend acceleration/deceleration lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – extend existing left-turn lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – extend existing right-turn lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – miscellaneous/other/unspecified # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – modify acceleration lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – modify auxiliary through lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – modify free-flow turn lane # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – modify left-turn lane offset # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – modify right-turn lane offset # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – modify turn lane storage # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – modify turn lane taper # intersections or # approaches
Auxiliary lanes – modify two-way left-turn lane # miles
Intersection geometrics – miscellaneous/other/unspecified # intersections
Intersection geometrics – modify intersection corner radius # intersections or # approaches
Intersection geometrics – modify skew angle # intersections or #approaches
Intersection geometrics – realignment to align offset cross streets # intersections
Intersection geometrics – realignment to increase cross street offset # intersections
Intersection geometrics – re-assign existing lane use # intersections or # approaches
Intersection geometry – other # intersections or # approaches
Splitter island – install on one or more approaches # approaches
Splitter island – remove from one or more approaches # approaches
Splitter island – unspecified # approaches
Through lanes – add additional through lane # intersections or # approaches
Intersection traffic control Intersection flashers – add "when flashing" warning sign-mounted # intersections or # approaches
Intersection flashers – add advance emergency vehicle warning sign-mounted # intersections or # approaches
Intersection flashers – add advance heavy vehicle warning sign-mounted # intersections or # approaches
Intersection flashers – add advance intersection warning sign-mounted # intersections or # approaches
Intersection flashers – add miscellaneous/other/unspecified # intersections or # approaches
Intersection flashers – add overhead (actuated) # intersections
Intersection flashers – add overhead (continuous) # intersections
Intersection flashers – add stop sign-mounted # intersections or # approaches
Intersection flashers – modify existing # intersections
Intersection flashers – remove existing # intersections
Intersection signing – add basic advance warning # intersections or # approaches
Intersection signing – add enhanced advance warning (double-up and/or oversize) # intersections or # approaches
Intersection signing – add enhanced regulatory sign (double-up and/or oversize) # intersections or # approaches
Intersection signing – miscellaneous/other/unspecified # intersections or # approaches
Intersection signing – relocate existing regulatory sign # intersections or # approaches
Intersection traffic control – other # intersections
Modify control – all-way stop to roundabout # intersections
Modify control – modifications to roundabout # intersections
Modify control – no control to roundabout # intersections
Modify control – no control to two-way stop # intersections
Modify control – remove right-turn yield # intersections or # approaches
Modify control – reverse priority of stop condition # intersections
Modify control – traffic signal to roundabout # intersections
Modify control – two-way stop to all-way stop # intersections
Modify control – two-way stop to roundabout # intersections
Modify control – two-way yield to two-way stop # intersections
Pavement Markings – add advance signal ahead # approaches
Pavement markings – add advance stop ahead # approaches
Pavement markings – add dashed edge line along mainline # intersections
Pavement markings – add lane use symbols # approaches
Pavement markings – add stop line # approaches
Pavement markings – add yield line # approaches
Pavement markings – miscellaneous/other/unspecified # intersections or # approaches
Pavement markings – refresh existing pavement markings # intersections
Modify traffic signal – add additional signal heads # intersections or # approaches or # signal heads
Modify traffic signal – add backplates # intersections or # approaches or # signal heads
Modify traffic signal – add backplates with retroreflective borders # intersections or # approaches or # signal heads
Modify traffic signal – add closed loop system # intersections or # approaches
Modify traffic signal – add emergency vehicle preemption # intersections or # approaches
Modify traffic signal – add flashing yellow arrow # approaches
Modify traffic signal – add long vehicle detection # intersections or # approaches
Modify traffic signal – add railroad preemption # intersections or # approaches
Modify traffic signal – add wireless system # intersections or # approaches
Modify traffic signal – miscellaneous/other/unspecified # intersections or # approaches
Modify traffic signal – modernization/replacement # intersections
Modify traffic signal – modify signal mounting (spanwire to mast arm) # intersections
Modify traffic signal – remove existing signal # intersections
Modify traffic signal – replace existing indications (incandescent-to-LED and/or 8-to-12 inch dia.) # approaches or # signal heads
Modify traffic signal timing – left-turn phasing (permissive to protected/permissive) # intersections or # approaches
Modify traffic signal timing – left-turn phasing (permissive to protected-only) # intersections or # approaches
Modify traffic signal timing – adjust clearance interval (yellow change and/or all-red) # intersections or # approaches
Modify traffic signal timing – general retiming # intersections
Modify traffic signal timing – signal coordination # intersections or # miles
  Systemic improvements – signal-controlled # intersections
Systemic improvements – stop-controlled # intersections
Lighting Continuous roadway lighting # miles
Intersection lighting # intersections or # approaches
Lighting – other # miles or # intersections
Site lighting – horizontal curve # curves
Site lighting – intersection # intersections
Site lighting – interchange # interchanges
Site lighting – pedestrian crosswalk # crosswalks
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous # miles or # units
  Data/traffic records – LRS/GIS N/A or # units
Data/traffic records – Crash Data Collection N/A or # units
Data/traffic records – Roadway/Traffic Data Collection N/A or # units
Data/traffic records – Data Integration N/A or # units
Data/traffic records – Analysis Tools N/A or # units
Non-infrastructure – other N/A or # units
Outreach N/A or # units
Road safety audits N/A or # units
SHSP Development N/A or # units
Training and workforce development N/A or # units
Transportation safety planning N/A or # units
Parking Modify parking # locations
Parking – other # locations
Remove parking # locations
Restrict parking # locations
Truck parking facilities # locations
Pedestrians and bicyclists Crosswalk # locations
Install new "smart" crosswalk # locations
Install new crosswalk # locations
Install sidewalk # miles
Medians and pedestrian refuge areas # miles or # locations
Miscellaneous pedestrians and bicyclists # miles or # locations
Modify existing crosswalk # locations
Pedestrian beacons # locations
Pedestrian bridge # locations
Pedestrian signal # locations
Pedestrian signal – audible device # locations
Pedestrian signal – Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon # locations
Pedestrian signal – install new at intersection # intersections or # approaches
Pedestrian signal – install new at non-intersection location # locations
Pedestrian signal – modify existing # locations
Pedestrian signal – remove existing # locations
Pedestrian warning signs – add/modify flashers # locations
Pedestrian warning signs – overhead # locations
Railroad grade crossings Grade separation # locations
Model enforcement activity N/A or # units
Protective devices # locations
Railroad grade crossing gates # locations or # approaches
Railroad grade crossing signing # locations or # approaches
Railroad grade crossings – other # locations or # approaches
Surface treatment # locations or # approaches
Upgrade railroad crossing signal # locations or # approaches
Widen crossing for additional lane # locations or # approaches
Roadside Barrier end treatments (crash cushions, terminals) # units
Barrier transitions # units
Barrier – cable # miles
Barrier – concrete # miles
Barrier- metal # miles
Barrier – other # miles or # units
Barrier – removal # miles
Curb or curb and gutter # miles
Drainage improvements # miles or # locations
Fencing # miles
Removal of roadside objects (trees, poles, etc.) # miles or # locations or # objects
Roadside grading # miles
Roadside – other # miles
Roadway Install / remove / modify passing zone # miles or # locations
Pavement surface – high friction surface # locations
Pavement surface – miscellaneous # miles
Roadway narrowing (road diet, roadway reconfiguration) # miles
Roadway – other # miles
Roadway – restripe to revise separation between opposing lanes and/or shoulder widths # miles
Roadway widening – add lane(s) along segment # miles
Roadway widening – curve # curves
Roadway widening – travel lanes # miles
Rumble strips – center # miles
Rumble strips – edge or shoulder # miles
Rumble strips – transverse # miles
Rumble strips – unspecified or other # miles
Superelevation / cross slope # miles or # curves
Roadway delineation Improve retroreflectivity # miles or # signs
Longitudinal pavement markings – new # miles
Longitudinal pavement markings – remarking # miles
Delineators post-mounted or on barrier # miles
Raised pavement markers # miles
Roadway delineation – other # miles
Roadway signs and traffic control Curve-related warning signs and flashers # curves or # signs
Sign sheeting – upgrade or replacement # signs
Roadway signs and traffic control – other # signs
Roadway signs (including post) – new or updated # signs
Shoulder treatments Widen shoulder – paved or other # miles
Pave existing shoulders # miles
Shoulder grading # miles
Shoulder treatments – other # miles
Speed management Modify speed limit # locations
Radar speed signs # locations or # signs
Speed detection system / truck warning # locations
Speed management – other # locations
Traffic calming feature # locations
Work Zone Work zone N/A or # units