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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Content and Structure of the HSIP Report

All States shall use the FHWA online reporting tool to support the annual HSIP reporting process [23 CFR 924.15(a)]. Additional information is available on the FHWA Web site at An HSIP report template is available (published separately), which is identical to the online reporting tool content. The HSIP Online Reporting Tool meets all report requirements and USDOT Web site compatibility requirements.

Pursuant to 23 CFR 924.15, each reporting period is 1 year. A State, in consultation with the FHWA Division Office, may define the reporting period based on calendar year, Federal fiscal year, or State fiscal year. However, States should use a consistent reporting period from year to year. Performance measure data must be reported on a calendar year basis [23 CFR 924.15(a)(1)(iii)(A)].

The report should address all projects implemented with HSIP funds, including local projects and non-infrastructure projects (e.g., data, transportation safety planning). Furthermore, if a State has been approved to use Railway-Highway Crossing Program (RHCP) funds for HSIP purposes, the State should include those projects in the HSIP report. In addition, States should report on explicit safety projects identified through the HSIP but implemented with other funding sources. The FHWA encourages States to coordinate with their State highway safety office, planning organizations, and local government agencies to obtain all relevant information to ensure complete HSIP reporting.

The HSIP report should consist of five sections: program structure, progress in implementing HSIP projects, progress in achieving safety performance targets, assessment of the effectiveness of the improvements, and a compliance assessment. The content and structure of each section is described below.