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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Appendix B. Detailed Tables of Project Costs Summaries

Table 5: Number and Cost of 2016 Projects by Improvement Category

Improvement Category Number of Projects Total Cost of Projects* Average Total Cost* Total HSIP Cost of Projects* Average HSIP Cost*
Access management 64 $74,760,421.63 $1,168,131.59 $65,609,668.99 $1,025,151.08
Advanced technology and ITS 42 $31,848,611.38 $758,300.27 $22,544,587.59 $536,775.90
Alignment 65 $153,626,691.05 $2,363,487.55 $63,073,225.32 $970,357.31
Interchange design 23 $193,051,802.75 $8,393,556.64 $36,388,116.75 $1,582,092.03
Intersection geometry 439 $398,585,860.99 $907,940.46 $276,314,575.08 $620,931.63
Intersection traffic control 751 $442,846,841.12 $560,125.18 $358,243,478.45 $472,616.73
Lighting 93 $46,458,619.35 $499,555.05 $40,646,142.63 $432,405.77
Non-infrastructure 219 $139,807,086.04 $638,388.52 $118,596,054.09 $527,093.57
Parking 1 $29,851.00 $29,851.00 $29,851.00 $29,851.00
Pedestrians and bicyclists 182 $121,344,341.05 $666,727.15 $84,651,228.67 $465,116.64
Railroad grade crossings 42 $18,450,793.38 $439,304.60 $16,761,825.71 $399,091.09
Roadside 485 $476,249,772.09 $896,312.91 $402,171,182.34 $809,197.55
Roadway 1357 $1,058,049,971.39 $1,076,475.86 $617,723,044.93 $385,354.36
Roadway delineation 204 $184,194,677.28 $666,475,86 $157,313,050.64 $731,688.61
Roadway signs and traffic control 287 $192,659,872.09 $587,258.09 $101,935,209.02 $346,718.40
Shoulder treatments 210 $363,212,864.01 $1,729,585.07 $254,852,620.76 $1,219,390.53
Speed management 13 $3,209,230.00 $246,863.85 $3,018,830.00 $232,217.69
Unknown 139 $176,924,514.00 $1,272,838.23 $49,584,016.00 $1,502,545.94
Total 4616 $4,341,957,584.51 $940,632.06 $2,518,276,630.07 $553,747.87

* Not all states provided cost data for all projects in a given improvement category.  Projects that reported $0 costs or deobligated funds were excluded.

Table 6: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Intersection Geometry

Subcategory Number of Projects Total Cost
Subcategory Number of Projects  Total Cost 
Auxiliary lanes - add left-turn lane 136 $101,550,943.86
Auxiliary lanes - add right-turn lane 29 $11,465,462.42
Auxiliary lanes - other 51 $51,788,843.41
Intersection geometrics - modify skew angle 33 $15,960,270.87
Intersection geometrics - other/unknown 182 $193,383,140.56
Intersection geometrics - realignment to improve offset 8 $24,437,199.87
Total 439 $398,585,861.00

* Not all states provided cost data for all projects in a given improvement category.  Projects that reported $0 costs or deobligated funds were excluded.

Table 7: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Intersection Traffic Control

Subcategory Number of Projects Total Cost
Intersection flashers and signing 119 $7,707,507.13
Intersection traffic control –other/unknown 175 $113,560,531.44
Modify control to roundabout 145 $130,600,666.73
Modify traffic signal 261 $132,689,328.79
Modify traffic signal timing or phasing 42 $31,895554.75
Pavement markings 9 $4,200,421.27
Total 751 $420,654,010.11

* Not all states provided cost data for all projects in a given improvement category.  Projects that reported $0 costs or deobligated funds were excluded.

Table 8: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

Subcategory Number of Projects  Total Cost 
Install or modify crosswalk 41 $14,170,648.98
Install or modify pedestrian signal 34 $25,140,421.27
Install sidewalk 21 $13,158,657.49
Miscellaneous pedestrian and bicyclist improvements 86 $68,874,613.31
Total 182 $121,344,341.05

* Not all states provided cost data for all projects in a given improvement category.  Projects that reported $0 costs or deobligated funds were excluded.

Table 9: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Roadway

Subcategory Number of Projects Total Cost
Pavement surface 132 $111,864,938.43
Roadway - other/unknown 660 $835,554,866.68
Roadway narrowing (road diet, roadway reconfiguration) 22 $62,955,317.75
Roadway widening 78 $267,095,319.86
Rumble strips 449 $178,430,020.86
Superelevation / cross slope 16 $4,876,516.00
Total 1357 $1,460,776,979.58

* Not all states provided cost data for all projects in a given improvement category.  Projects that reported $0 costs or deobligated funds were excluded.

Table 10: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Roadside

Subcategory Number of Projects  Total Cost 
Barrier 260 $256,418,193.73
Barrier end treatments 47 $47,130,180.55
Curb and drainage improvements 6 $3,412,586.85
Removal of roadside objects 77 $46,889,479.08
Roadside grading 13 $14,131,963.89
Roadside – other/unknown 82 $66,729,356.56
Total 485 $434,711,760.66

* Not all states provided cost data for all projects in a given improvement category.  Projects that reported $0 costs or deobligated funds were excluded.