Under the 2013 HSIP reporting guidance, each project should be assigned a general improvement category and a subcategory under that general category. While a single project may consist of multiple project types, States are directed to assign each project to only one category. The category chosen should align with the primary purpose of the project. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the distribution of the number and total cost of projects by general improvement category. Projects categorized as "Unknown" indicate that there was no general improvement category assigned by the State. Figure 9 through Figure 13 show the breakdown of the number of projects by subcategory for five improvement categories of note: Intersection geometry, Intersection traffic control, Pedestrians and bicyclists, Roadway, and Non-infrastructure. More detailed tables with the cost spent in each subcategory are available in Appendix C. For ease of reporting, similar sub categories were grouped together. For example, in Figure 9 below, "Auxiliary lanes – other" combines adding acceleration lanes, adding auxiliary through lanes, adding two way left turn lanes, and several other related subcategories.
Figure 7. Number of Projects by Improvement Category
Figure 7 shows the number of projects by improvement category as classified in the 2013 HSIP Reporting Guidance. Based on the project information reported by the States, the top five improvement categories are:
- Roadway; 854 projects
- Intersection traffic control; 420 projects
- Intersection geometry; 376 projects
- Roadside; 225 projects
- Shoulder treatments; 179 projects
Figure 8. Average Total Cost of Projects by Improvement Category
Figure 8 shows the average total cost of projects by improvement category. Again, it is important to note that not every project had an associated cost so the average is based on the number of projects with cost available. Based on project information reported by the States, the lowest average HSIP cost projects are in the following categories:
- Parking; no projects listed
- Work zone; 1 project with HSIP cost information
- Railroad grade crossings; 4 projects with HSIP cost information
- Speed management; 12 projects with HSIP cost information
- Roadway signs and traffic control; 163 projects with HSIP cost information
Figure 9 : Number of Intersection Geometry Projects by Subcategory
For the Intersection geometry category, most projects were sub categorized as "Auxiliary lanes – add left-turn lane" (114 of 365 projects) and "Intersection geometrics – other" (141 of 365 projects). Examples of projects in the "Intersection geometrics – other" subcategory include roundabout installation and general intersection safety improvement projects.
Figure 10: Number of Traffic Control Projects by Subcategory
For the Intersection traffic control category, most projects were subcategorized as "Intersection traffic control – other" (88 of 412 projects) and "Modify traffic signal – modernization/replacement" (77 of 412 projects). Examples of projects in the "Intersection traffic control – other" sub category include controller updates, wrong way driving mitigation strategies, and projects described as general intersection safety improvement projects.
Figure 11: Number of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Projects by Subcategory
For the Pedestrians and bicyclists category, most projects were subcategorized as "Install sidewalk" (33 of 103 projects) and "Miscellaneous pedestrians and bicyclists" (29 of 103 projects). An example of a project in the "Miscellaneous pedestrian and bicyclist improvements" subcategory includes ADA facility improvements.
Figure 12: Number of Roadway Projects by Subcategory
For the Roadway category, most projects were subcategorized as "Roadway - other" (595 of 824 projects) and "Pavement surface - miscellaneous" (100 of 824 projects). An example of a project in the "Roadway – other" subcategory was guardrail aprons. The "Roadway-other" subcategory was predominately used without any project description, therefore, no other information is available for these projects.
Figure 13. Number of Non-Infrastructure Projects by Subcategory
For the Non-infrastructure category, most projects were subcategorized as "Non-infrastructure - other" (31 of 62 projects) and "Transportation safety planning" (10 of 62 projects). Projects in the "Non-infrastructure – other" subcategory are largely undescribed. A few examples include pedestrian upgrades and Safe Routes to School coordinator positions and website development. Examples of projects in the "Blank (no subcategory indicated)" subcategory include safety campaigns, training programs, and enforcement mobilization projects.