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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Appendix C. Detailed Tables of Project Costs Summaries

Table 2: Number and Cost of 2013 Projects by Improvement Category

Improvement Category No. of Projects Total Cost of Projects* Average Total Cost* Total HSIP Cost of Projects* Average HSIP Cost*
Access management 34 $195,352,612.42 $5,745,665.07 $30,737,148.44 $1,097,755.30
Advanced technology and ITS 21 $7,835,018.00 $391,750.90 $6,755,822.66 $321,705.84
Alignment 55 $149,902,498.19 $2,775,972.19 $35,993,363.80 $679,120.07
Animal-related 3 $8,450,107.00 $2,816,702.33 $7,043,972.40 $2,347,990.80
Interchange design 87 $177,683,228.85 $2,140,761.79 $48,053,087.31 $586,013.26
Intersection geometry 376 $445,306,021.01 $1,213,367.90 $243,071,648.34 $655,179.65
Intersection traffic control 420 $279,443,365.54 $666,929.27 $190,167,790.03 $475,419.48
Lighting 48 $18,678,171.44 $389,128.57 $18,462,105.44 $384,627.20
Miscellaneous 39 $39,536,487.75 $1,013,756.10 $16,663,845.81 $462,884.61
Non-infrastructure 109 $42,545,671.00 $393,941.00 $44,806,151.00 $443,625.00
Parking 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Pedestrians and bicyclists 103 $53,892,611.32 $528,358.93 $35,694,976.78 $346,553.17
Railroad grade crossings 4 $972,389.00 $243,097.25 $992,389.00 $248,097.25
Roadside 225 $195,970,161.86 $894,840.92 $166,283,887.36 $766,285.20
Roadway 854 $541,384,359.69 $635,427.65 $290,915,274.31 $342,656.39
Roadway delineation 102 $59,644,608.12 $602,470.79 $43,313,203.01 $424,639.25
Roadway signs and traffic control 163 $43,409,123.45 $269,621.88 $41,413,281.27 $254,069.21
Shoulder treatments 179 $411,469,681.42 $2,298,713.30 $211,374,731.00 $1,180,864.42
Speed management 12 $3,214,173.15 $267,847.76 $3,111,752.04 $259,312.67
Work Zone 1 $93,273.00 $93,273.00 $93,273.00 $93,273.00
Unknown 457 $416,019,421.66 $912,323.29 $26,054,849.35 $234,728.37
Total 3292 $3,093,063,463.87 $950,834.14 $1,458,742,072.10 $504,580.45

* Not all states provided cost data for all projects in a given improvement category.

Table 3. Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Intersection Geometry

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Auxiliary lanes - add left-turn lane 114 $126,343,935
Auxiliary lanes - add right-turn lane 16 $6,702,633
Auxiliary lanes - other 44 $88,956
Intersection geometrics - other 141 $176,292,446
Intersection geometrics - modify skew angle 35 $15,305,107
Intersection geometrics - realignment to improve offset 15 $23,366,776
Blank (no subcategory indicated) 11 $8,338,568
Total 376 $356,438,422

Table 4: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Intersection Traffic Control

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Intersection flashers and signing 35 $4,924,215
Intersection traffic control – other 88 $51,598,810
Modify control to roundabout 47 $56,973,072
Modify traffic signal – add additional signal heads 12 $12,050,242
Modify traffic signal – other 45 $21,692,152
Modify traffic signal – modernization/replacement 77 $60,115,452
Modify traffic signal – modify signal mounting 14 $15,604,417
Modify traffic signal timing or phasing 15 $21,663,179
Pavement markings 48 $9,248,702
Systemic improvements – signal-controlled 31 $23,105,395
Blank (no subcategory indicated) 8 $2,467,729
Total 420 $279,443,366

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Table 5: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Install or modify crosswalk 11 $6,110,617
Install sidewalk 33 $10,619,125
Miscellaneous pedestrian and bicyclist improvements 29 $22,545,047
Install or modify pedestrian signal 30 $14,617,823
Total 103 $53,892,611

Table 6: Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Roadway

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Pavement surface – high friction surface 21 $9,761,102
Pavement surface – miscellaneous 100 $38,737,373
Roadway widening – add or widen lanes 24 $126,677,292
Roadway narrowing (road diet, roadway reconfiguration) 3 $337,903
Rumble strips – center 11 $3,962,583
Rumble strips – edge or shoulder 66 $143,286,118
Rumble strips – unspecified or other 4 $818,892
Roadway – other 595 $194,671,135
Blank (no subcategory indicated) 30 $23,131,961
Total 854 $541,384,360

Table 7. Number and Cost of Projects by Subcategory for Non-Infrastructure

Subcategory No. of Projects Total Cost
Data/traffic records 5 $581,791
Educational efforts 5 $1,226,474
Enforcement 2 $2,895,444
Non-infrastructure – other 31 $13,143,650
Road safety audits 9 $2,649,500
Transportation safety planning 10 $4,112,108
Blank (no subcategory indicated) 45 $20,197,184
Total 109 $44,806,151

* There were two additional projects labeled as "Outreach" and "Training and workforce development" that did not have a cost indicated.