This section includes resources that may be helpful in establishing an RSA program, conducting RSAs, and identifying potential improvements. Sample materials that can be used to conduct and document RSAs are also provided.
Resource Materials Table of Contents
- Main Document
- What Materials are Available for Conducting and Documenting RSAs?
- Sample Request for Proposal
- Sample RSA Application
- Sample RSA Agenda
- Typical Data for Conducting RSAs
- Sample Collision Diagram Worksheet
- Sample Field Notes Worksheet
- What Materials Do I Need for the Field Review?
- Sample RSA Report Outline
- Sample Presentation of Issues and Suggestions.
- RSA Software
- What Resources are Available for Demonstrating the Usefulness and Effectiveness of RSAs?
- What Resources are Available for Assessing Safety on Our Roadways?
- What Resources are Available for Identifying Potential Improvements and Evaluating Their Effectiveness?
- What Resources are Available for Incorporating Safety into the Transportation Planning Process?
- Wildlife Safety Measures
What Materials are Available for Conducting and Documenting RSAs?
Sample Request for Proposal
The following is a general outline of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an RSA. For each section, a brief explanation of the information to be included in the RFP is provided. The RFP generally follows the 8-step RSA process, however, the requesting agency may wish to include additional tasks or eliminate tasks based on specific needs. Federal Land Management Agencies and Tribes may draft and issue a request for engineering consultant services to lead one or a series of RSAs on their lands. Typically, RFPs generate responses from several consultants and requires the issuing agency to award a contract based on the consultant’s ability to adequately perform the work and the cost at which the work can be completed.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Provide a brief overview of the Consultant’s responsibilities, a brief description of the RSA, and how the RSA will be conducted.
ANTICIPATED SERVICE START AND END DATES: Identify start and end date of services.
PREQUALIFICATION CLASSIFICATION: Identify any stipulations to establish the type(s) of work the Consultant must be qualified to perform.
DBE REQUIREMENT: Identify any Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirement(s) the Consultant must satisfy to be eligible for consideration for award of contract.
PROJECT MANAGER: Provide the name and contact information of the person(s) overseeing the execution of the scope of services. This person is typically from the requesting agency.
GENERAL BACKGROUND: Provide a brief description of the purpose and objective of the services being requested.
OBJECTIVES AND TASKS OF THE PROPSED PROJECT: Provide a detailed task-by-task description of the work to be completed to meet the purpose and objective of the services being requested.
Identify Multidisciplinary RSA Team (Optional: can be completed by owning agency as described in Chapter 1).
- Identify team leader to conduct RSA.
- Determine required disciplines and individuals to serve on RSA team.
- DELIVERABLES: Provide a list of names and contact information for each RSA team member; submit a schedule of RSA activities.
Prepare Relevant Data and Documents
- Obtain available relevant data and documents needed for RSA, including but not limited to project scope, location, crash history, traffic volumes, aerial photographs, design drawings, and planned improvements at the site and in the vicinity of the site.
- Create collision diagram and summary of crash data (e.g., crashes by year, type, severity, light condition, weather condition, day of week, and month of year).
- Provide all pertinent data and documents to RSA team members.
- DELIVERABLES: Provide a copy of all information to each RSA team member.
Conduct RSA Briefing Meeting
- Schedule and lead meeting to introduce RSA team members and establish roles; explain RSA scope, objectives, and goals; discuss project data (crash documents, traffic volumes, aerial photographs, design drawings, etc.); establish completion schedule.
- DELIVERABLES: Provide a copy of the meeting minutes to the Project Manager(s).
Perform Field Reviews
- Establish time of day to conduct field reviews.
- Provide equipment to perform reviews: safety vests and hats, camera, measuring instruments.
- Identify travel arrangements to the site.
- Designate specific field assignments for each RSA team member.
- Observe road user behavior, geometric and operational characteristics, surrounding land uses.
- DELIVERABLES: Documentation of field observations through photos, field review notes, and sketches (optional: video recording).
Conduct Debriefing Meeting
- Discuss and consolidate RSA team findings.
- Prioritize identified safety issues.
- Formulate potential recommendations.
- Conduct a preliminary review of findings and recommendations with Project Manager(s).
- DELIVERABLES: Summary of RSA team findings and prioritized safety improvements.
Prepare Draft RSA Findings Report
- Prioritize and categorize safety issues with recommended improvements (see the Resource Materials section for a report template).
- Conduct preliminary cost estimates and B/C analyses (optional).
- DELIVERABLES: Provide draft report to RSA team members for review and comment prior to submitting to the Project Manager.
Conduct Cost Analysis
- Provide cost analysis (quantity estimating and B/C analyses) to support safety improvement recommendations (may be planning-level or detailed construction estimates).
- Categorize recommendations as low-, medium-, and high-cost improvements.
- DELIVERABLES: Summary of cost analysis and list of recommendations by priority and category.
Present Draft RSA Findings Report
- Present findings to Project Manager(s).
- DELIVERABLES: Provide a copy of the draft RSA report, including all pertinent supporting documentation.
Submit Final RSA Findings Report
- Address and incorporate all comments from presentation of draft report.
- Submit final report to Project Manager(s) in accordance with schedule.
- DELIVERABLES: Provide copy of final RSA report, including all pertinent supporting documents.
CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide details of the Consultant’s contractual responsibilities to fulfill the scope of services being requested. This may include principal contacts, materials and equipment, funding compliance, personnel, and progress reporting.
HOST AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide details of the hosting agency’s responsibilities to the Consultant to fulfill the scope of services being requested. This may include provision of documentation, transportation, and any relevant information needed for the RSA.
PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Provide information with regard to how the Consultant will be compensated for completing the scope of the services being requested. Also establish a billing schedule and other terms and conditions of compensation.
Sample RSA Application
The following is an example of an application to request assistance to conduct an RSA. This may be used when requesting an RSA on a roadway adjacent to Federal or tribal lands which is owned by a State or local DOT. Applications such as this are used by agencies that have a formal RSA request process in place; however, the information in the application may be included in any type of correspondence to an owning agency (State or local agency) to request an RSA.
- Contact Person
Name: ________________________________________________
Position/Title: __________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________ Fax: ______________________________________
Email: ____________________________________ - Type of assessment requested (planning, design, construction, existing): _________________________________
- Specific location of proposed RSA project (intersection, spot location, road segment or project, or new facility):
Route(s): ____________________________ Segment: _____________________ Project: ____________________
From/To (if segment/project): _______________________________________ Segment Length: _______________
City/County/Tribe: ______________________________________________________________________________ - Describe any improvement plans, including stage (scoping, design, construction, etc.), for this location:
______________________________________________________________________________________________ - Reasons for requesting RSA:
______________________________________________________________________________________________ - What is the crash experience for the most recent 3-year period (total crashes, fatal crashes, injury crashes, crash rate, etc.)?
(not applicable for new facility) _____________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________ - Does your agency have a method to identify and prioritize road safety issues? _______
If yes, where does this location rank within your agency’s problem locations? ______________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________ - Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume for road(s): ________________________________________________________
- Please list month and/or days of week when safety issues are most prevalent, if applicable: ___________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ - Describe any future development planned for this area:
______________________________________________________________________________________________ - Please include any additional road owners, photos and/or other information that highlight the location:
______________________________________________________________________________________________ - Signature (and printed name) of Person with Authority to Respond To/Implement the RSA Findings:
_______________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Submit Application to:
Sample RSA Agenda
The agenda helps set the course of events for the RSA process. In addition to setting a time schedule, it also provides direction to all parties involved as to who should partake in the various activities. The agenda is created by the RSA team and provided to all participating parties prior to the RSA.
Typical Data for Conducting RSAs
The following data elements are typically requested for conducting RSAs. Those data elements that are most important are notated with an asterisk (*). The data is requested prior to conducting the RSA so that the team has an opportunity to review and become familiar with the characteristics of the study area. Depending on the extent of the data provided, summary tables and graphics may be created to make the information more manageable for field review activities and presentation purposes. It is recognized that this data may not be available, but lack of data does not prevent an RSA from being conducted.
Sample Collision Diagram Worksheet
Collision diagrams use symbols to illustrate the location of crashes by crash type. The diagrams help the RSA team to identify patterns in crashes. Information provided on the collision diagram may include time of day, day of the week, light conditions, weather conditions, surface conditions, and severity level. Corresponding document numbers may also be included as a reference to a detailed crash report. Collision diagrams may be obtained from the owning agency (if available) or may be produced by the RSA team if crash reports are provided. Ideally, the diagrams should be obtained or produced prior to the start-up meeting (Step 3 of the RSA process).
The example collision diagram demonstrates how crashes can be illustrated:
- Crash #1: Two vehicles are traveling westbound on Sunday, January 15, 2006 at 3:30 AM. Vehicle #1 stops for a red signal. Vehicle #2 is following too closely and does not stop in time, rear ending Vehicle #1. Weather conditions are snowy with snow on the roadway. The crash results in property damage only to both vehicles.
- Crash #2: Vehicle #1 is traveling westbound and Vehicle #2 is traveling southbound on July 21, 2008 at 7:00 PM. Vehicle #1 has a green signal. Vehicle #2 runs the red signal, crashing into the passenger’s side of Vehicle #1. Weather conditions are clear and the pavement condition is dry. The crash results in a B severity injury for Vehicle #1.
- Crash #3: A single vehicle is traveling eastbound on Friday, April 6, 2007 at 2:00 PM. The driver has a medical emergency and runs off the roadway to the right. The vehicle strikes a utility pole, killing the driver. Weather conditions are rainy and the pavement condition is wet.
Sample Field Notes Worksheet
Documenting potential safety issues is an important part of the RSA field review process. The notes taken by the RSA team in the field are used to conduct the RSA analysis and prepare the findings report. In addition to field notes, an aerial photo can be useful to annotate issues and comments, rather than sketching the location by hand. Photographs (and video recordings, if desired) of identified safety issues should also be taken as a further means of documentation. This worksheet is intended to be used during Step 4 of the RSA process.
What Materials Do I Need for the Field Review?
The following list provides a number of possible materials that could be taken by an RSA team member into the field when conducting reviews. Not all of the materials on this list are absolutely necessary, but should be strongly considered. Any other materials that do not appear on this list but are thought to be essential to the field review should be included.
- Reflective Safety Vests (and helmets, if required)
- Vehicle to collectively transport all RSA team members
- Magnetic rotating beacon/emergency vehicle flashers
- Temporary traffic control sign (e.g., “Road Work Ahead”, “Survey Crew”), if desired
- RSA Agenda
- Field Notes Worksheet
- Writing Implements and Paper/Notebook
- Crash Data (if available)
- Collision Diagrams
- Pin or GIS Maps
- Summary Charts and Graphs
- Aerial Photographs or Schematic of RSA Study area
- Google Maps:
- RSA Prompt Lists (from RSA Guidelines and Pedestrian RSA Guidelines and Prompt Lists)
- GPS/Directions
- RSA Team Member Phone List
- Digital Camera and Extra Batteries
- Video Recording Device (if desired)
- Measuring Wheel
- Grade Level (or carpenter’s level and tape measure)
- Personal Items (Bottled Water, Light Snack; Hat/Sunglasses, Sunblock)
Sample RSA Report Outline
The following provides a general framework of the components and structure of a RSA report.
- Cover – include project name, location, and date.
- Introduction – include objectives, background, and study team.
- Objectives of Study
- Background
- Study Team
- Existing Conditions – identify existing geometric conditions, discuss traffic conditions, and present crash history.
- Geometric Conditions
- Traffic Data
- Crash Analysis
- Assessment Findings – describe the safety benefits of existing features, present the RSA framework, and summarize the identified issues and suggestions for improvement.
- Safety Benefits of Existing Roadway Features
- RSA Framework
- Summary of Identified Safety Issues and Suggestions for Improvement
- Conclusions – provide a brief summary of the major safety issues and discuss any potential to incorporate multidisciplinary improvements, including enforcement and education.
- References – provide a list of references used to complete the RSA or identify potential countermeasures.
- Appendix: Detailed Discussion of Issues and Suggestions – provide a more detailed discussion of each issue identified and summarized in Section 4 “Assessment Findings.”
Sample Presentation of Issues and Suggestions
The following examples illustrate different methods of presenting the safety issues and proposed suggestions discovered and developed during the RSA. This information would appear in Section 4 “Assessment Findings” of the sample report outline.
Example 1: Portrait Layout (Two-Column Format)
Issue 2: Roadside Hazards
2.1 Fixed objects near roadway: There are several fixed objects along the corridor in close proximity to the roadway, particularly within curves. Fixed objects along the corridor include trees, utility poles, embankments, and culverts. Based on crash data from 2006 to 2008, 30 of the 47 crashes along the corridor were run-off-road, 18 of which involved a fixed object. Of the 18 fixed object crashes, seven involved a tree, six involved a utility pole, and five involved an embankment. Suggestions: Intermediate – Consider removing trees and other fixed objects that are within the clear zone, particularly along the outside of curves. Long-term – Consider relocating utility poles to the inside of horizontal curves, where they are less likely to be struck. Consider increasing the pavement width to create a consistent cross-section and provide more room for recovery. |
Example 2: Landscape Layout (Three-Column Format)
Primary Issue: Animals on the Roadway | ||
Specific Safety Concern |
Suggested Improvements |
Example of Issue |
Animals—the roadside throughout the study area is open range. Horses, cows, and sheep were observed crossing and grazing along the roadway during daytime and nighttime conditions. Animal-related crashes represented approximately 25% of all crashes along the corridor. |
Short-Term – Utilize reflective ear tags, branding, or other strategies to increase the conspicuity of animals at night. Intermediate – Consider installing an animal fence along the corridor. This may be a challenge as the County does not provide any right of way fencing on county roads. This may require coordinating with the grazing official to support the effort. Long-Term
RSA Software
The Road Safety Audit (RSA) software is a tool for assisting with the completion of RSAs. The software facilitates team members in the collection of information as they proceed through the RSA process. It gives users access to comprehensive prompt lists and reduces the potential for users to simply “check” issues off a list. The prompt lists are presented at different levels of detail, helping users to identify issues that may be overlooked in the RSA process. With the software, users can link identified issues to user-defined locations in the study area and provide accompanying comments with each issue. It also allows users to record suggestions for improvements that may be identified. Finally, output from the RSA software groups findings by issue and exports the results to a Word-compatible file that allows for quick completion of a formal RSA report. The software is available for download on FHWA’s Office of Safety website.
What Resources are Available for Demonstrating the Usefulness and Effectiveness of RSAs?
Road Safety Audits: Case Studies (FHWA-SA-06-17), March 2007
Tribal Road Safety Audits: Case Studies (FHWA-SA-08-005), September 2008
Federal and Tribal Lands Road Safety Audits: Case Studies (FHWA-FLH-10-05), December 2009
Recent Uses of Road Safety Audits (RSAs) in Highway Safety Improvement Programs and Strategic Highway Safety Plans (TRB Paper 09-2492)
TRB 88th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD
Selected Examples of Tribal Road Safety Audits (RSAs) in the United States (TRB Paper 10-1284)
TRB 89th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD
What Resources are Available for Assessing Safety on Our Roadways?
FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines (FHWA-SA-06-06), 2006
Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists (FHWA-SA-07-007), July 2007
Road Safety Audits/Assessments Training Course (FHWA-NHI-380069)
Roadway Safety Tools for Local Agencies (NCHRP Synthesis 321)
SAFER Manual, Transportation Information Center, University of Madison-Wisconsin, 1996
What Resources are Available for Identifying Potential Improvements and Evaluating Their Effectiveness?
NCHRP Report 500: Guidance for Implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan Transportation Research
NCHRP Report 622: Effectiveness of Behavioral Highway Safety Countermeasures
Sign Retroreflectivity Manual: How to Meet the New National Standard for Small Agencies, Federal Land Management Agencies, and Tribal Governments (FHWA-CFL/TD-09-005), July 2009
Roadway Safety Guide, Roadway Safety Foundation
Vegetation Control for Safety (FHWA-SA-07-018), May 2007 [Revised August 2008]
Maintenance of Signs and Sign Supports (FHWA-SA-09-025), January 2010
W-Beam Guardrail Repair (FHWA-SA-08-002), November 2008
Maintenance of Drainage Features for Safety (FHWA-SA-09-024), July 2009
Roadway Delineation Practices Handbook (FHWA-SA-93-001), August 1994
Good Practices: Incorporating Safety into Resurfacing and Restoration Projects (FHWA-SA-07-001), December 2006
Mitigation Strategies for Design Exceptions (FHWA-SA-07-011), July 2007
Low-Cost Treatments for Horizontal Curve Safety (FHWA-SA-07-002), December 2006
National Scan of Best Practices for Chemical Treatments on Unpaved Roads
FHWA CMF Clearinghouse
Crash Cost Estimates by Maximum Police-Reported Injury Severity Within Selected Crash Geometries
What Resources are Available for Incorporating Safety into the Transportation Planning Process?
A Primer on Safety Performance Measures for the Transportation Planning Process (FHWA-HEP-09-043), September 2009
Tribal Highway Safety Plans
Tribal Transportation Programs (NCHRP Synthesis 366)
Considering Safety in the Transportation Planning Process
Incorporating Safety into Long-Range Transportation Planning (NCHRP Report 546), 2006
Transit Planning Guidebook for FLMAs
Tribal Transportation Planning Guide for Washington State
Wildlife Safety Measures
Page, M. A. “A Toolkit for Reducing Wildlife & Domestic Animal-Vehicle Collisions in Utah”. TRB 2006 Annual Meeting CD-ROM.
West, P. W. “UDOT Wildlife and Domestic Animal Accident Toolkit”. Report UT-08.07. Prepared for the Utah Department of Transportation Environmental Services & Wildlife & Domestic Animal Accident Quality Improvement Team. April 2008.
Deer Vehicle Crash Information Clearinghouse
Knapp, K. K., et al. “Deer-Vehicle Crash Countermeasure Toolkit: A Decision and Choice Resource”. Report Number DVCIC-02. Submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation as part of the Deer-Vehicle Crash Information Clearinghouse initiation. June 2004.
U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Critter Crossings: Linking Habitats and Reducing Roadkill.
U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Keeping It Simple: Easy Ways to Help Wildlife Along Roads.
“Best Practices Manual: Wildlife Vehicle Collision Reduction Study”
Ontario Ministry of Transportation - “Watch for Wildlife”
“Wildlife-Vehicle Collision and Crossing Mitigation Measures: A Toolbox for the Montana Department of Transportation”
SGI Road Safety Driving Tips – Wildlife
“Highway 82 safety measures for wildlife nearing completion between Carbondale and Glenwood Springs”
“Evaluation of Measures to Minimize Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions and Maintain Wildlife Permeability Across Highways”