RSA Resources
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Road Safety Audit Guide and Prompt List (FHWA-SA-20-042)
Provides information on how to conduct an RSA and effectively assess the safety of cyclists. These Guidelines provide an overview of the Road Safety Audit process, as well as an overview of basic safety principles and potential hazards affecting cyclists. Prompt lists are provided to assist RSA team members in considering general issues when performing a BRSA.
Improving Access to Transit Using Road Safety Audits: Four Case Studies
FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines
Wrong Way Driving – Road Safety Audit Prompt List
Model RSA Policy
The purpose of the Model RSA Policy is to assist road owners in developing a policy on implementing Road Safety Audits. The model policy is a flexible document that a road agency can use to meet their needs and is consistent with their specific processes, practices, and budget constraints.
Contains policy documents related to road safety audits.
Road Safety Audits: An Evaluation of RSA Programs and Projects
RSA Case Studies: Using IHSDM in the RSA Process
The purpose of this document is to help Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies understand the benefits of using the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) during the RSA process as a decision-support tool to evaluate and estimate the safety and operation of various design features. This case study document provides a review of the RSA process, an overview of IHSDM, and three case study examples of RSAs that utilized IHSDM. These case studies will help jurisdictions incorporate this useful decision-support tool into the RSA process.
Road Safety Audits: Case Studies
Federal and Tribal Lands Road Safety Audits: Case Studies
RSA Toolkit for Federal and Tribal Lands [PDF 1.94 MB]
The Toolkit serves as a starting point, providing information to FLMAs and Tribes about partnerships needed to build support, available funding sources for the program and improvements, tools to conduct RSAs, and resources to identify safety issues and select countermeasures.
Pedestrian RSA Guidelines and Prompt Lists
The guidelines provide detailed descriptions of potential pedestrian safety issues while the prompt lists are a general listing of potential pedestrian safety issues.
Contains a database of reports, articles and other documents related to road safety audits.
Related Links
Links to other resources providing information on RSAs.
Road Safety Audit team observing traffic on a rural highway (Click For Larger Photo)