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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Safety Data Management and Governance

Flow Chart

Developing and Implementing Safety Data Business Plans

Data business planning is a relevant topic to State DOTs as they work to meet requirements for safety data collection, integration, and analysis to support a safety data system. The Guide for Safety Data Business Planning provides guidance for State DOTs to develop and implement a Safety Data Business Plan, using the Seven Step approach to the right. A Safety Data Business Plan provides a roadmap for States to improve their safety data management and governance practices. These improvements enhance safety data to support safety decision-making. 

Benefit to Your Agency

The project can help agencies develop an approach for improving their safety data management and governance practices.  Doing so ensures States have better quality data to support safety decision making aimed at improving safety on all public roads.

Next Steps

FHWA invites State DOTs to contact the project manager, or their Division Office staff, to request technical assistance in developing their own Business Plan for Safety Data Integration.

Guidance on State Safety Data Systems

Data Collection for Non-Federal-aid system Roads