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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

RSA Steps of Conduct

This chart outlines the eight major steps involved in conducting an RSA:

Steps to Conduct RSAs -- 1. Identify project (Design Team/Project Owner), 2. Select RSA team (Design Team/Project Owner), 3. Conduct start-up meeting (RSA Team), 4. Perform field reviews (RSA Team), 5. Conduct analysis and prepare report (RSA Team), 6. Present findings to Project Owner (RSA Team), 7. Prepare formal response (Design Team/Project Owner), 8. Incorporate findings (Design Team/Project Owner)

This second chart simplifies the actions involved in conducting an RSA into a three-step process:

RSA Procedures: 1. Identify the road or intersection and RSA team(public agency), 2. Conduct the RSA and report on findings(public agency, RSA team), 3. Follow up on RSA findings(public agency).

The public agency is responsible for identifying the existing or planned road or intersection for the RSA and the RSA team. The RSA team is mostly responsible for conducting the RSA and reporting on the findings. The public agency participates in the kickoff and in the findings meetings. The public agency responds to the RSA report and findings and addresses safety concerns where feasible.