Low Speed W-Beam Guardrail Terminal
The research project provided a low-cost option for guardrail terminals that fit within the low-speed context of many owned and operated Federal Land Management Agency (FLMA) roadways. The research project developed a W-beam guardrail terminal for use on low-speed roadways (45 MPH and less). The guardrail terminal is a simple design, composed of readily available, off-the-shelf components. The design is visually unobtrusive and compatible with aesthetic coatings. To minimize environmental and right-of-way impacts, the W-beam guardrail terminal is as short as possible and without excessive offset from the roadway centerline.
The research used advanced computer simulation methodology to analyze the design concept, followed by a series of full-scale crash tests of the design concepts using the critical test conditions.
Final Report and Guidance: pending
Final Report
Development of MASH TL-2 Crashworthy W-Beam Terminals For Low-Speed/Volume Roads
For More Information
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
ORCID for the principal investigator)