Oregon Federal Lands Access Program
Request for Proposals
The next Request for Proposals for the Oregon Federal Lands Access Program is scheduled for Spring of 2025. If that changes, the website will be updated. For the current Transportation Improvement Program, including all Oregon Federal Lands Access Program projects, please see: TIP webpage.
The next Request for Proposals has not yet been set.
Contact Information
Who should I contact if I have questions?
Please contact Aaron Eklund, acting Oregon FLAP Program Manager:
Agency | Contact | Phone | Email Address |
Federal Highway Administration |
Aaron Eklund |
(360)-619-7718 |
aaron.eklund@dot.gov |
Oregon Department of Transportation |
Hope Derrickson |
(503) 986-5375 |
hope.derrickson@odot.state.or.us |
Association of Oregon Counties | Brian Worley | (855) 843-5176 x701 | bworley@oregoncounties.org |
US Forest Service | Amanda Warner Thorpe | (360) 808-2512 | amanda.warnerthorpe@usda.gov |
National Park Service |
Art Negretti |
(720) 948-516 |
arthur_negretti@nps.gov |
Bureau of Land Management | Ben Sutter | (541) 464-3218 | bsutter@blm.gov |
US Fish & Wildlife |
Alex "Anders" Kosnett |
(703) 851-9464 |
alexander_kosnett@fws.gov |
US Army Corp of Engineers | Melissa Rinehart | (503) 808-4322 | melissa.j.rinehart@usace.army.mil |
Highways for National Defense Program DOD-SDDC-TEA |
Douglas Briggs (Primary) Jamie Todt (Alternate) |
(618) 220-5229 (618) 220-5216 |
douglas.e.briggs.civ@mail.mil jamie.l.todt.civ@mail.mil |
Bureau of Reclamation | Heather Lawrence | (208) 378-5029 | hlawrence@usbr.gov |
Program of Projects
Programming Decisions Committee (PDC)
FHWA Representative:
Matt Miller
Western Federal Lands Highway Division
State Representative:
Rian Windsheimer
Oregon Department of Transportation
Local Representative (LPA):
Brian Worley
Association of Oregon Counties