North Carolina Federal Lands Access Program
Program of Projects
- FY23 - FY26
- FY20 - FY22
- FY17 - FY20
- FY15 - FY18
- FY13/14
- Eastern Federal Lands Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)
Programming Decisions Committee (PDC)
State Representative:
Teresa Robinson
STIP Western Region Manager, NCDOT
Local Representative (LPA):
Rose Bauguess
Southwestern RPO
828-586-1962 ext 213
FHWA Representative
John Wilson
Access Program Manager
Call for Projects
The FY 27-29 Call for Projects application period is currently on hold. Please check this page for further updates.
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- NC Call for Projects Alert
- Application
- EFL FLAP Applicants Webinar
- Tips for Applicants
- FAQs
- EFL FLAP Selection Process