CFL Highway Design Forms
These forms are prepared for each project during the design process in the Central Federal Lands Highway Division:
Design Documentation Forms
- Highway Design Standards Form - Form used by staff to document decisions involving design standards and practices for each project. See Supplement for more information.
- Highway Design Standards Memorandum - Memo used for preventative maintenance, spot improvement and non-roadway projects.
- Project Technical Memorandum Template- Form used to document design decisions.
- See the example.
- Trip Report Form - Template used to document discussions and decisions during field trips
- CFLHD CADD File Tracker - Used in CFLHD for tracking project-specific information including file naming location and directory structure.
- Brand Name or Approved Equal Justification Memo - Document required when a specific brand name or approved equal is included in the contract.
- PE Memo - Document to highlight any construction focused, unique project elements to aid field staff in building the project.
- See also Sample PE Memo
- PE Notebook Checklist - Checklist for transmittal of design information to Construction to be completed prior to award date.
- Checklist also available in the Project Development Checklist
- Electronic File Disclaimer - Include document when responding to requests for CADD files.
PS&E Advertisement Checklist Forms
- PS&E Advertisement Checklist - Tool used to verify all required information is gathered prior to forwarding the PS&E to Acquisitions.
- Contact List - Use with PS&E Advertisement Checklist.
PS&E Review Forms
- Document Review Comment and Response - Form used to document PS&E comments.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Request Form
- FLH Customer Satisfaction Survey Request - Form used to collect feedback on CFLHD projects.
Development Checklist
- Project Development Checklist - Checklist used to document the design process and as a quality control tool.
Last updated: Tuesday, July 16, 2024