Highway Design Library
Geometric Design
FHWA (2005) The FLH Project Development and Design Manual. |
Park Road Standards Note: Substitute the current Green Book for any table referencing "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO, 1984". |
CADD Tips and Tricks Information about the Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) software used by FLH |
FHWA, 2015 The Guide outlines planning considerations and design options for separated bike lanes. |
This document introduces visualization tools and innovative visualization practices |
This FHWA document illustrates the flexibility already available to designers within adopted standards. |
US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), 2012 Highlights state of the art ecological, planning, design and engineering considerations for roadway projects located within FWS managed lands |
Writing Specifications
FHWA, December 2024 The Specification Writers' Guide is intended for writers that develop specifications for the Federal Highway Administration's Federal Lands Highway Program. |
Development and Review of Specifications FHWA, March 2010 This technical advisory was developed for the FHWA division office staff for use in interacting with State specifications. However the document also contains best practices and recommendations useful for developing and writing clear, concise, correct, complete, and consistent specifications. (See the attachments beginning on page 23.) |
Signs and Markings
FHWA, 2023 The current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. |
FHWA, 2004-2024 The current Standard Highway Signs manual. |
USDA Forest Service, 2013 Forest Service policy regarding signs and posters. |
DOD Supplement to the MUTCD Department of Defense, 2015 Supplements to the MUTCD for use on military bases. |
FLH, 2005 This Guide is intended to provide assistance in the warranting, selection, and design of roadside barriers. The Guide is prepared specifically for warranting, selecting, and designing barriers on Federal Lands Highways projects that are low volume and/or low speed facilities. The guidelines present practical and useful guidance for common conditions and situations encountered in the design of roadside barriers for Federal Lands Highway projects. |
AASHTO Task Force 13 Task Force 13 develops, recommends, and promotes standards and specifications for bridge and road hardware used by highway and transportation agencies on the nation's roadways. Site contains links to publications describing current roadside hardware. |
Rumble Strip Guidelines: For Shoulder and Centerline Applications FHWA, 2015 Provides FLH guidance for when and where to install rumble strips. |
FHWA Environment Resources Links to environmental resources at FHWA. |
Environmental Review Toolkit Links to FHWA and other U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) policies, procedures, and guidance related to the environment and transportation. |
FHWA, 2007 This report offers an integrated approach to facilitate the successful establishment of native plants along roadsides and other areas of disturbance associated with road modifications. |
FHWA, 1999 Listing of native plants by state. |
Last updated: Thursday, January 16, 2025