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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

VI. References

Agran, P.F., Winn, D.G., Anderson, C.L., Del Valle, C "Family, Social and Cultural Factors in Pedestrian Injuries Among Hispanic Children" Inj Prev, Sept.,1998; (3)pp 188-93;. Dept of Pediatrics and Health Policy and Research, Univ. of Calif., Irvine, CA, 92697-5800, USA.

Braver, E.R., "Race, Hispanic Origin, and Socioeconomic Status in Relation to Motor Vehicle Occupant Death Rates and Risk Factors Among Adults" Accid Anal Prev, May, 2003; (3)pp 295-309; Insurance Inst. For Highway Safety, 1005 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 2201-4751, USA.

Campbell, BJ, Zegeer, CV, Huang, HH, Cynecki, MJ, "A Review of Pedestrian Safety Research in the US and Abroad" for Fed Highway Admin., Office of Safety Research and Development, McLean VA 22101-2296. Jan., 2004;, Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599-3430.

Campos-Outcalt, D; Bay, C; Dellapena, A; Cota, M.K.; "Pedestrian Fatalities By Race/Ethnicity in Arizona, 1990-90" Am J Pre Med, 23 Aug.,2002; (2)pp 129-35; Maricopa County Dept. of Public Health, Phoenix,Arizona, 85006, USA.

Campos-Outcalt, D; Bay, C; Dellapena, A; Cota, M.K "Motor Vehicle Crash Fatality by Race/Ethnicity in Arizona, 1990-90" Inj Prev, 09 Sept.,2003;(3)pp 152-6;. .Maricopa County Dept. of Public Health, Phoenix, Arizona, 85006,USA

Dhillon, P.K., Lightstone, A.S., Peek-Asa, C., Kraus, J.F. "Assessment of Hospital and Police Ascertainment of Automobile Versus Childhood Pedestrian and Bicyclist Collisions" Accid Anal Prev, July, 2001;(4)pp 529-537; Southern California Injury Prevention Research Center, UCLA School of Public Health, Los Angeles CA 90095, USA.

DiMaggio, C; Durkin, M "Child Pedestrian Injury in an Urban Setting: Descriptive Epidemiology" Acad Emerg Med, Jan.,2002; (1)pp 54-62;. Dept of Emergency Medicine, Mt. Sinai Services, Elmhurst Hospital Center, Elmhurst, NY 11373, NY 11373, USA.

Gresham, L.S., Zirkle, D.L., Tolchin, S., Jones C., Maroufi,A., Miranda, J. "Partnering for Injury Prevention: Evaluation of a Curriculum-Based Intervention Program Among Elementary School Children" Pediatr Nurs, 16 Apr., 2001;(2)pp 79-87; San Diego State Univ.,Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego, CA.

Gutierrez, LR, "Pedestrian Safety in Crisis: Latino Deaths on the International Corridor", 22 July 2003; CASA of Maryland, Inc.

Leaf, W.A., Preusser, D.F.; "Racial/Ethnic Patterns among Pedestrian-Alcohol Crash Fatalities", Preusser Research Group, Inc., Trumball, CT 06611, USA.

Preusser, D.F., Wells, J.K., Williams, A.F. Weinstein, H.B. "Pedestrian Crashes in Washington DC and BaltimoreAccid Anal Prev, Sept., 2002; (5)pp 703-10; Preusser Research Group, Inc., Trumball, CT 06611, USA.

Voas, R.B., Tippetts, S., Fisher, D., "Ethnicity and Crash Involvement" for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Wash., DC, 20590; 17 Feb., 1999; Pacific Inst for Research and Evaluation, Bethesda, MD, Roeper P., Prevention Research Center, Berkley,CA;

Wilson, M.,"Orlando Urban Area Arterial Pedestrian Crash Study" for Metro Plan Orlando Board of Directors; 12 July, 2000.

"National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Attitudes and Behaviors" for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Wash., DC, 2002.

"Highway Safety Needs of U.S. Hispanic Communities: Issues and Strategies" for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Wash., DC; Sept., 1995.

"Montgomery County Blue Ribbon Panel on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety - Final Report" Jan.,2002;