How to Use this Plan and Toolkit
The Safety Performance Management Communication Plan and Toolkit describes:
- The variety of audiences who will have a lead or supporting role in target setting and achievement or who may be interested in potential outcomes and impacts associated with implementing Safety Performance Management.
- The communications and messages in which these groups will most likely be interested or questions they may have.
- The elements of the Communications Toolkit that can be used to develop customized messages, including guidance on appropriate communication forums and whom the messages target.
Working with audiences of varying technical knowledge and perspectives related to safety performance management will bring out a variety of sometimes competing priorities among groups. While the goal of safety performance management is to work toward zero deaths and serious injuries on our roadways, some groups might perceive the target-setting effort as an opportunity to seek additional safety funding, whereas others might simply want their voices to be heard and to provide input that more closely aligns with other State goals (e.g., public health goals, other transportation goals). Still others require nothing, and for these groups, messaging is purely informational.
It is also important to be mindful of the relationship among those who (1) set and make progress toward the targets, (2) have input into the target-setting process, and (3) have no role in target setting. Safety is a shared responsibility among those who design, build, manage, and use roads and vehicles. All elements of the road system should come together in an integrated way to design and maintain a safe system that will contribute to improved transportation safety.
Audience and stakeholder parties fall into four distinct groups, and all rely upon one another. Figure 1, on page 5, illustrates the relationships among these groups, which include:
State DOTs, MPOs, local agencies, FHWA
Are held accountable for target achievement and may need data, assistance with analysis, or target approval. Staff from FHWA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are available to provide technical assistance to this group.
Local and Tribal road agencies, planners, enforcement, emergency medical services
May provide economic, demographic, and other data but in return require a deeper understanding of the effort, the possible result, and why it matters to them.
Those who may want information or the opportunity to participate in transportation processes
May be positively influenced to make wiser roadway safety decisions and to share safety messages with their peers.
State DOT decision makers, State highway safety offices, MPO policy boards, and elected officials
Provide the final approval before annual targets are set. This group holds an interest in achieving performance targets across a variety of topics and needs to ensure that targets complement other goals across the organization.
Figure 1. Collaborative Process to Set and Achieve Safety Performance Measure Targets.