HSIP Resources
HSIP National Scan Tour Final Report
FHWA conducted a scan tour of HSIP practices in Alaska, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, and Utah. The Scan Tour final report highlights notable practices in the areas of HSIP administration, planning, implementation and evaluation for each of these States. -
Synthesis of Local Road Safety Noteworthy Practices This synthesis report summarizes noteworthy practices and lessons learned from local road safety peer exchanges and various other local safety publications produced over the past five years.
Top 10 Characteristics of a Successful HSIP
This flyer describes HSIP practices and program elements State DOTs should consider adopting to ensure successful implementation of the HSIP. -
HSIP Procedures and Tools Brochure, FHWA-SA-15-012
This brochure describes the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The purpose of the HSIP is to achieve significant reductions in traffic fatalities and serious injuries. The brochure describes the HSIP process to achieve these reductions including the four key steps: analyze the data; identify potential countermeasures; prioritize and select projects; and determine effectiveness. -
HSIP Project Eligibility, FHWA-SA-15-011
Is your project eligible for HSIP funds? The HSIP project eligibility brochure describes the general HSIP eligibility criteria and provides a checklist to ensure you are selecting the best HSIP projects. -
Assessment of Local Road Safety Funding, Training and Technical Assistance
This report summarizes State DOT practices for delivering safety funding and resources to local entities for road safety improvement projects. These practices were identified through a questionnaire administered to State DOTs during the assessment. The report also identifies model local road safety practices that can be adapted to enhance existing local road safety efforts.Local Road Safety Checklists
The local road safety checklist is designed to provide State DOTs and LTAP centers with a list of questions to use to identify opportunities to enhance or initiate a local road safety program.View a recording of the September 23rd webinar "Improving Local Road Safety: State DOT Noteworthy Practices for Funding, Training and Technical Assistance" at https://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p5167rmj17j/.
- HSIP Self Assessment Tool, FHWA-SA-15-014
The HSIP Self Assessment Tool consists of a number of questions designed to provide those with HSIP management responsibilities information to assess their programs, policies, and procedures against many of the recommended HSIP practices in use today. -
Noteworthy Practices: Addressing Safety on Locally-Owned and Maintained Roads - A Domestic Scan
NEW HSIP Assessment Toolbox 2nd Edition, FHWA-SA-15-015
The toolbox provides information and resources for agencies to conduct a self assessment, program or peer review related to the HSIP. States can use these evaluation techniques to identify successful practices, as well as opportunities to enhance HSIP implementation efforts. -
A Primer on Safety Performance Measures for the Transportation Planning Process, FHWA-HEP-09-043, September 2009
This report introduces the concept of integrating safety performance measures into the transportation planning process. It outlines the benefits of using safety performance measures in planning, as well as basic information on what are safety performance measures. This document includes a high level step-by-step approach for developing safety performance measures. -
HSIP Manual
The manual provides guidance to State and local agencies for developing and implementing a highway safety improvement program which best suits their capabilities and needs. The manual should be beneficial to Federal, State, and local highway engineers and other professionals involved in a highway safety improvement program.
HSIP Online Reporting Tool
The HSIP online reporting tool facilitates the preparation, review and submittal of the annual HSIP reports. -
Highway Safety Peer-to-Peer Programs
The Program provides a range of technical assistance services to help agencies effectively manage and deploy HSIP, SHSP, HRRR, and Highway Rail Crossings to reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries.
Web-based HSIP Courses
Five new web-based courses related to the HSIP are available from the National Highway Institute, including HSIP Overview, SHSP Development, SHSP Implementation, HSIP Project Identification and HSIP Project Evaluation. Participants can enjoy these courses at the comfort of their own desk and, for the completely web-based components, at their own pace. Each course can be hosted by an individual state who might invite district personnel, or representatives from regional or local agencies to participate. In addition, NHI will periodically host each course allowing participants from multiple states to learn from one another. Download the flyer below or select the link above to learn more.-
HSIP Web-based Training Flyer [PDF 87 KB]
Highway Safety Improvement Program Manual, FHWA-NHI-380103
The HSIP Manual course introduces safety professionals to new procedures and technologies related to the HSIP. It provides information on topics ranging from core safety concepts to detailed discussions of technical methods for data-driven safety planning which will result in successful HSIP efforts. -
Application of Crash Reduction Factors (CRF), FHWA-NHI-380093
This course focuses on the application of Crash Reduction Factorss to select countermeasures. The course covers the project development cycle (starting from network screening and site selection for safety review), diagnostics of safety concerns, cost-benefit evaluation, and countermeasure selection. -
Science of Crash Reduction Factors, FHWA-NHI-380094
This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills needed to critically assess the quality of CRFs. The course covers concepts underlying the measurement of safety and the development of CRFs/AMFs, key statistical issues that affect the development of quality CRFs, key methodological issues that affect the development of quality CRFs, and the general and methodological issues and statistical thresholds used to recognize quality CRFs.