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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Appendix A. HSIP Self Assessment Tool Scoring Template

Section 1 – Leadership
4.1.1: Is the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) connected to the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) safety goals and objectives?
4.1.2: Does the State have a person responsible for leadership and oversight of the HSIP who is authorized to make decisions regarding program implementation?
4.1.3: Does the State highway agency have a champion (or champions) for highway safety who regularly promotes and advances HSIP goals and objectives with senior leadership (e.g., Chief Engineer, CEO, etc...)?
4.1.4: Are the goals and objectives of the HSIP regularly discussed at the senior managerial level (Chief Engineer, Director, CEO, etc.) in the State transportation agency?


Section 2 – Administration
4.2.1: Does your State highway agency have a staff member who devotes his/her time to management of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)?
4.2.2: Does your agency have established and documented procedures for administering the HSIP?
4.2.3: Do HSIP eligibility policies focus on addressing the greatest safety needs, regardless of jurisdiction (i.e., State roads, locally-owned roads)?
4.2.4: Does your State have established guidance defining the criteria for HSIP project eligibility (e.g., project size, specified countermeasures) in your State?


Section 3 – Planning
4.3.1: Are crash, roadway and traffic data used in the screening process to identify potential HSIP project locations on the State-owned roadway system?
4.3.2: Are crash, roadway and traffic data used in the screening process to identify potential HSIP project locations on the non-state roadway systems?
4.3.3: Does the HSIP network screening process in your State incorporate advanced statistical methodologies for determining locations of need?
4.3.4: Does your State highway agency evaluate and apply safety countermeasures not only at high-crash locations, but also at high-risk locations?
4.3.5: Does the HSIP consider a balance of spot location and systemic safety improvement projects in your state?
4.3.6: Does your State highway agency adequately address rural road safety needs at a level consistent with their safety needs?
4.3.7: Does your State highway agency analyze location-specific safety-related information to determine the specific safety concerns at potential HSIP project locations?
4.3.8: Does the State highway agency consider all contributing factors (driver, vehicle, roadway, environment) when identifying appropriate countermeasures?
4.3.9: Are RSAs used to support the HSIP engineering study and countermeasure identification process?
4.3.10: Does your State highway agency choose safety countermeasures supported by quantifiable safety benefits (i.e., crash modification factors)?
4.3.11: Does your State highway agency use objective criteria to prioritize safety projects for programming?
4.3.12: Are planning partners outside the State highway agency involved in the HSIP planning process?
4.3.13: Does your State highway agency consider SHSP priorities during project identification and prioritization?


Section 4 – Implementation
4.4.1: Is HSIP funding distributed to non-State roadway safety projects in your state proportionate to safety needs?
4.4.2: Are other funding sources leveraged to support the use of HSIP funds on safety projects in your state?
4.4.3: Does your State highway agency limit the use of HSIP funding to stand-alone safety projects only?
4.4.4: Has your State highway agency considered and implemented innovative programming practices to provide time and cost savings to HSIP-funded projects?
4.4.5: Has your State highway agency considered and implemented innovative contracting practices to provide time and cost savings to HSIP-funded projects?
4.4.6: Does your State highway agency have an established procedure to minimize the impact of project scope increases (i.e., scope creep) on HSIP projects?
4.4.7: Does your agency use a tracking system to monitor project implementation?


Section 5 – Evaluation
4.5.1: Does your agency collect and analyze data to assess the benefits of HSIP-funded safety projects?
4.5.2: Does your agency collect and analyze data to assess overall program-level benefits of the HSIP?
4.5.3: Does your agency's evaluation of safety projects and programs incorporate advanced statistical methodologies?
4.5.4: Does your agency modify policies, procedures, and countermeasures based on historical performance of HSIP-funded safety projects?
4.5.5: Does your agency develop its own crash modification factors (CMFs) based on completed HSIP projects?


Section 5 – Evaluation
Section Score
1.    Leadership
2.    Administration
3.    Planning
4.    Implementation
5.    Evaluation