The method for scoring each question in the Self Assessment Tool assumes that adoption of a particular requirement follows a five phase adoption process: initiation; development; execution; evaluation; and integration. Questions are scored on a scale of 0 to 15 using the guidelines presented in Table 1.
Adoption Phase | Scoring Range | Description |
Initiation | (0-3) | Agency has started to address the requirement* described in the question. If the agency has not initiated any activities to address the requirement, record a response of "0." |
Development | (4-6) | Agency has developed a plan or approach to address requirement described in the question |
Execution | (7-9) | Agency has executed an approach to meet the requirement described in the question |
Evaluation | (10-12) | Agency has assessed the performance of the requirement described in the question after it has been executed for a period of time |
Integration | (13-15) | Agency has integrated the requirement described in the question into agency culture |
* Requirements include characteristics, feature, capability, element, policy, etc. |
In assigning a score for a particular question, participants should select the appropriate adoption phase by considering the following:
During this phase, agency leadership has acknowledged that a particular requirement will be beneficial to the HSIP and agrees to initiate activities required to implement that particular requirement. Consider:
- If the agency management acknowledges the need for the particular item.
- Whether exploratory research has taken place to assess the benefits of this item.
- If management supports further development of the requirements of this item.
Example: Has the State adopted a strategic safety goal to guide the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)?
Situation: The agency has not adopted a goal; however, the agency management recently agreed that a goal should be developed.
Scoring: This could be scored either a "1" or "2" depending on how advanced and developed these discussions regarding the adoption of a goal have progressed. The salient point is that the requirement has been acknowledged as important by management.
During this phase, the agency has commenced activities to develop the requirement described in a question. Consider:
- Whether the agency has developed a plan or approach to address requirements of this item and/or has started to investigate the feasibility of implementation.
- If the agency is developing standards, and guidance to enable implementation of this item.
- Whether the agency has required approvals necessary for implementation.
- If all resources are in place to support the adoption of this item.
Example: Has the State adopted a strategic safety goal to guide the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)?
Situation: The agency has not adopted a goal; however, the agency management recently authorized staff to develop a goal for adoption.
Scoring: This could be scored either a "3" or "4" depending on how far the plan to develop and adopt a goal has advanced.
At this phase, the agency has implemented a particular requirement. Consider:
- If the agency has started implementing or carrying out the requirements of this item.
- How the agency has allocated financial or staff resources necessary for continued execution of this item.
- Whether appropriate personnel have been trained to execute the requirements of this item.
- If a process owner has been established to support this item.
Situation: Has the State adopted a strategic safety goal to guide the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)?
Discussion: The agency has adopted a goal.
Scoring: This could be scored either a "7" or "8" as a goal has been adopted.
During this phase, the agency reflects on the effectiveness of the requirement that has been implemented. Consider:
- If the agency has developed an evaluation process to assess the effectiveness of this item.
- Whether the agency has started using the evaluation process for assessing this item.
- If the agency has implemented appropriate changes to the requirements of this item based on performance evaluation.
Example: Has the State adopted a strategic safety goal to guide the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)?
Situation: The agency has recently conducted an evaluation of the adopted goal and developed a process to update the goal.
Scoring: This could be scored either a "10" or "11" depending on the how the far the development of the evaluation process has progressed.
At this phase, the agency has incorporated the requirement into its policies, processes or standards. The results of evaluation efforts are used to establish management commitment to HSIP goals and objectives as well as processes and procedures. Evaluation results are periodically reviewed to improve quality. The requirement is strongly supported by management and is a key contributor to the agency mission. Consider:
- How the agency is integrating the requirements of this item into quality improvement processes.
- If the requirements of this item are integrated into agency processes and standards.
- Whether the requirements of this item are included as part of employee performance rating system.
- If the requirements of this item are documented and approved, as appropriate, by the FHWA Division Office.
Example: Has the State adopted a strategic safety goal to guide the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)?
Situation: The agency has published the goal and uses it to guide agency operations.
Scoring: This could be scored either a "13" or "14" depending on the extent of support.
In summary, as you discuss the self-assessment questions consider the degree, or extent, to which an agency performs or practices the item under consideration. While it appears that in some cases a simple "yes" or "no" answer may be an appropriate response, the purpose of the self-assessment activity is to assign a level of adoption. In assigning a rating to a question, first decide which adoption phase best fits the overall item response (i.e., initiation, development, execution, evaluation, integration). Overall "best fit" does not require total agreement with each of the questions or the description for that scoring range. Next, assign the score within the adoption range. This requires participants to evaluate the level of effort that has been applied within a particular adoption phase. If only a "minimal effort" has been applied, then the lowest rating in a range should be assigned. If a "moderate effort" has been applied, then the mid-point rating in a range should be applied. If an "extensive effort" has been applied, then the highest rating for a range should be assigned.