Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) Planning

Transportation Planning
The Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) regulations state that the purpose of transportation planning is to "clearly demonstrate a Tribe's transportation needs and to fulfill Tribal goals by developing strategies to meet transportation needs. These strategies address current and future land use, economic development, traffic demand, public safety, health, and social needs (25 CFR Part 170.400 and 410).
The long-range transportation plan development (LRTP) process allows for the inventory and analysis of infrastructure. This is often in collaboration with State, Regional Planning Organizations, Cities, Counties, and other stakeholders to identify projects to improve multi-modal transportation options locally and regionally.
As such, and as referenced in 170.414, developing a LRTP is crucial in the formulation of a comprehensive Tribal priority list and/or Tribal Transportation Improvement Program (TTIP) and provides justification for the Tribe's updates to the NTTFI. The priority list and TTIP are planning tools that document and publicize a Tribe's improvement program, which consists of a scheduled delivery of priority projects that align with the goals of a Tribal government. To support local and regional collaboration, the TTIP is included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
Transportation Planning in Tribal Communities Research Study
The Office of Tribal Transportation is championing a study on transportation planning in Tribal communities in collaboration with Western Federal Lands and the US DOT Volpe Center. The Study is anticipated to last two years from June 2020 through June 2023. For information on the Study, including project team contacts, outreach events, and the latest materials, visit the project website below: