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Systemic Pedestrian Safety for Rural Tribal Areas




The research project will result in a guidebook for infrastructure improvements (safety countermeasures) for consideration in rural Tribal areas to reduce pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries. The guidebook is targeted for practitioners to prioritize pedestrian safety projects to reduce the risk of crashes with pedestrians. The guidebook supports the Tribal Transportation Strategic Safety Plan. The safety countermeasures are for pedestrians walking along the roadway and go beyond traditional sidewalk design to include pedestrian pinch-points, pathways that may not follow the road network, and behavior modification strategies. The research will be coordinated with the Tribal Transportation Safety Management System Steering Committee.


Final guidebook: pending

For More Information

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

ORCID for the principal investigator)
Currently Unavailable

Project Overview and Tools

Systematic Ped Safety for Rural Tribal Areas