Automation in Our Parks: Automated Shuttle Deployments at Yellowstone National Park and Wright Brothers National Memorial
This research assessed the suitability of emerging automated, electric vehicle technologies on Federal lands and in remote locations, with long-term aims of enhancing access and encouraging green, car-free trips. The project included two pilot projects on National Park Service (NPS) land, at Yellowstone National Park and Wright Brothers National Memorial, deploying driverless shuttles to help visitors move around the parks. These pilots allowed researchers to assess ridership, vehicle performance, and visitor experience.
These pilots are part of broader NPS efforts to advance emerging mobility as a tool to realize goals related to the visitor experience, resource protection, climate change, safety, and partnerships. The NPS is interested in continuing to better understand the benefits and potential to use automated shuttle technologies, as well as the infrastructure and costs associated with these technologies.
Final Report and Guidance
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