A Guide for Developing, Revising and Removing ANCSA 17b Easements
Not Started.
The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Section 17b established easements across Tribal lands throughout Alaska for the public to access public federal lands. Federal Land Management Agencies (FLMAs) and their Tribal partners, however, often struggle to identify, develop, and revise ANCSA 17b easements that cross Tribal lands for them to be of use to the public. This research study will therefore develop a guidebook for FLMA, Tribes, and their partners on how to develop, revise, and remove 17b easements, as well as resources for ensuring established easements serve their intended purpose.
Guidebook for FLMA Tribes on 17b easements
For More Information
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): Pending
ORCID for the Principal Investigator: Currently Unavailable