Decision Support Tool for Vulnerable Culverts, Part 2
Not Started.
Road-stream culverts on National Forest Lands (NFLs) are vulnerable to extreme precipitation events, and post-wildfire debris flow; adversely impacting traffic, economy, and aquatic species. This proposal, a continuation of current DOT/FHWA funded “CULVERT” project, will extend its application on Forest Service Pacific Northwest and Southwest sites experiencing frequent, intense wildfires. This project will enhance a web-GIS-based online interactive tool for assessment of culverts potentially vulnerable to precipitation and post-wildfire flood-debris-flow. In cooperation with USGS, NFLs, USEPA, NPA, and academia, this project will use high resolution USGS road-stream crossings database, LIDAR, soil moisture, hydrometeorologic, and geomorphologic data/models.
Culvert Vulnerability Assessment Tool
For More Information
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): Pending
ORCID for the Principal Investigator:
0000-0003-2641-9267 (Devendra Amatya)
0000-0002-3845-4310 (Sudhanshu Panda)