WFL Plan Sheet Templates
Templates provide a starting point to create new project plan sheets. The documents contain elements almost always used on most sheets of the type and can be edited to fit the specific project needs. See the following categories for available templates:
- General Information (Plan Section A)
- Summary of Quantities (Plan Section B)
- Typical Sections (Plan Section C)
- Plan-Profile Sheets (Plan Section D)
- Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Sheets
- Drainage
- Temporary Traffic Control
General Information (Section A)
General Information contains the General Title Sheet, NPS Title Sheet, Sheet Summary, and Vicinity Map.
general-info.dgn (244 KB)
Use the Sheet Index to organize the sheet listing for placement in Section A
Summary of Quantities (Section B)
Summary of Quantities (Plan Section B) transforms output from EEBACS to final Summary of Quantities plan sheets
Typical Sections (Section C)
Typical Section base sheet showing the usual information on the Typical Section.
typical-section.dgn (214 KB)
Plan-Profile Sheets (Section D)
Survey Control Sheet survey control point listing
Survey Assumed Control Sheet survey control point listing for assumed control
Earthwork Summary - table for summarizing earthwork quantities
Tabulation Summaries - blank template for quantity tabulation sheets
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Sheets
Include SWPPP and ESCP Signs detail of SWPPP sign and Oregon ESCP sign in the plans when mentioned in Subsection 107.01A. Signs are on plan sheets but can also be placed as cells (attach DGN as cell library).
stormwater-sign.dgn (260 KB)
Place Tabulation of Drainage Quantities at beginning of Drainage section to list cross drainage structures
Drainage24.xlsx (312.85 KB)
Drainage.xlsx (337.47 KB)
Other Sheet Templates
The following templates are sometimes needed during the Project Development process but are not usually included in the final plan set.
- Oregon DOT Erosion Control Cover Sheets – When applicable to the project and in coordination with the Environmental Protection Specialist, complete and incorporate as part of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plans to support compliance with the Oregon NPDES 1200-CA permit.
ESC-ORDEQ-CoverShts.dgn (676 KB)