Pg 527-528: Traffic Control Devices Handbook
This chapter addresses the use of traffic control devices along streets and highways in the vicinity of schools: education and enforcement
Last Updated (Year): 2013
Year Produced: 2013
Abstract:The Handbook augments the 2009 Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The Traffic Control Devices Handbook, 2nd Edition provides guidance and information to implement the provisions of the MUTCD. The objective of the Handbook is to bridge the gap between the MUTCD requirements and field applications. Additional guidance is provided on the new MUTCD requirements to clarify these MUTCD provisions. The Handbook does not establish policy, procedures, or standards for an agency, or set the "standard-of-care" for decisions on traffic control devices. It is meant as guidance material to assist in determining the appropriate device(s) for a specific condition based on judgment and/or study. The Handbook includes 16 chapters covering the wide variety of traffic control devices available to meet public need. There are chapters on low-volume, rural roads as well as residential streets. Separate chapters are provided for signs, markings, traffic signals, railroad-highway grade crossings and temporary (construction) traffic controls. One chapter addresses installation considerations for traffic control devices. Another discusses the human-factor considerations in the application of traffic control devices. The specific issues of traffic control devices for schools, pedestrians and bicyclists are each addressed in separate chapters.
For:Walking, Biking
The E's:Enforcement, Education
Ped Bike Activity:
- Encouragement
- Community Engagement
Ped Bike Topic:
- Schools
- Safe Routes to School
- Planning
- Information Distribution
- Facility Maintenance
- Crashes
- Analysis
Resource Type:
- Guidance
Link to Content Source:
Traffic Control Devices Handbook