Pg 10-33: Guidebook for Measuring Multimodal Network Connectivity
This guidebooks gives steps for measuring multimodal network connectivity, with focus on bike/ped facilities that are defined by type within the source. It incorporates safety and equity in the process, ensuring full evaluation. The steps are: identify the planning context, define the analysis method(s) and measures, assemble the data, compute the metrics, and package the results.
Last Updated (Year): 2018
Year Produced: 2018
Abstract:The Guidebook for Measuring Multimodal Network Connectivity is a guide for transportation planners and analysts on the application of analysis methods and measures to support transportation planning and programming decisions. It describes a five-step analysis process and numerous methods and measures to support a variety of planning decisions. It includes references and illustrations of current practices, including materials from five case studies conducted as part of the research process.
For:Walking, Biking
The E's:Evaluation
Ped Bike Activity:
- Programming
- Programming
- Planning
- Assessment
Ped Bike Topic:
- Data Collection
- Built environment
- Assessment
Facility Type:Shared Path, Separated Bike Lane, Paved Shoulder, Contra-Flow Bike Lane, Buffer, Bike Lanes, Bicycle Boulevard
Urban Context:Urban, Rural
Resource Type:
- Guidance
Link to Content Source:
Guidebook for Measuring Multimodal Network Connectivity