Countermeasures_Signal and Signs: Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System (PEDSAFE)
Countermeasure strategies for improving pedestrian safety using signs and Signal: Traffic Signal, Pedestrian Signal, Pedestrian Signal Timing, Traffic Signal Enhancements, Right-Turn-on-Red Restrictions, Advanced Stop Lines at Traffic Signal, Left Turn Phasing, Push Buttons & Signal Timing, Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB), Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB), Puffin Crossing, Signing
Last Updated (Year): 2013
Year Produced: 2003
Abstract:The Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System is intended to provide practitioners with the latest information available for improving the safety and mobility of those who walk. The online tools provide the user with a list of possible engineering, education, or enforcement treatments to improve pedestrian safety and/or mobility based on user input about a specific location.
The E's:Engineering
Ped Bike Activity:
- Planning
- Design
Ped Bike Topic:
- Safety Promotion
- Safety
- Facility Design
- Countermeasures
- Built environment
Facility Type:Signals, Signage, Hybrid Beacon/RRFB
Resource Type:
- Guidance
Link to Content Source:
Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System (PEDSAFE)