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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs


  1. National Transportation Safety Board. "Collision of Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation (METRA) Train and Transportation Joint Agreement School District 47/155 School Bus at Railroad/Highway Grade Crossing in Fox River Grove, Illinois, on October 25, 1995". PB96-916202 NTSB/HAR-96/02. Washington, D.C.
  2. United States Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration Safety Advisory 2010-02. Federal Register. Volume 75, Number 190. Friday, October 1, 2010.
  3. United States Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration National Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Inventory database.
  4. Traffic Signal Installation and Maintenance Manual. Institute of Transportation Engineers. 1989.
  5. Traffic Signal Maintenance Manual, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2010.
  6. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 49 Part 234 Subpart D.
  7. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2009 Edition. FHWA.
  8. 1570 IEEE Standard for the Interface Between the Rail Subsystem and the Highway Subsystem at a Highway Rail Intersection. IEEE. 18 October 2002.
  9. AREMA Communications and Signals Manual. Revised 2008.
  10. Traffic Engineering Handbook, 6th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2009.
  11. Traffic Control Devices Handbook, 2001. Institute of Transportation Engineers.
  12. Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Handbook - Revised Second Edition August 2007. FHWA.


  1. "Highway-Rail Crossing Program". FRA.
  2. "Technical Standards and Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Requirements". Part D - Maintenance, Inspection, and Testing. Transport Canada. DRAFT October 24, 2002.
  3. Mn/DOT Traffic Signal Timing and Coordination Manual. Guidelines for Inspection and Operation of Railroad Preemption at Signalized Intersections. May 2011.
  4. "Guideline For Inspecting and Testing Preemption of Interconnected Traffic Control Signals and Railway Crossing Warning Systems." TP 13755. Transport Canada.
  5. "Mn/DOT Annual Traffic Signal and Railroad Preemption Inspection Form". Version 11/21/2007.
  6. "North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway-Railroad Interconnection and Preemption Inspection Form". July 2007.
  7. "State of Nevada Department of Transportation Railroad Safety Diagnostic Review Form".
  8. "Strategies for Improving the Project Agreement Process Between Highway Agencies and Railroads". SHRP2 Report S2-R16-RR-1. Executive Summary and Appendix C.
  9. Preliminary Document - Texas Department of Transportation.
  10. EEE 1570 User Guide for Advanced System Controllers ASC/3, Econolite Control Products, Inc. 4 December 2009.