Names of the Nation's Highway Agency - 1893 to the Present
ORI | Office of Road Inquiry (1893-1898) |
OPRI | Office of Public Road Inquiries (1899-1905) |
OPR | Office of Public Roads (1905-1915) |
OPRRE | Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering (1915-1918) |
BPR | Bureau of Public Roads (1918-1939 & 1949-1967) |
PRA | Public Roads Administration (1939-1949) |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration (April 1, 1967-) |
Other Abbreviations & Acronyms Found in the Text:
AAA | American Automobile Association |
AASHO | American Association of State Highway Officials |
AASHTO | American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials |
ARBA | American Road Builders' Association |
ARTBA | American Road and Transportation Builders' Association |
ARMA | American Road Makers' Association |
BMCS | Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
EEO | Equal Employment Opportunity |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
FAP | Federal-aid primary |
FAS | Federal-aid secondary |
FAU | Federal-aid urban |
FRA | Federal Railroad Administration |
FTA | Federal Transit Administration |
ICC | Interstate Commerce Commission |
ISTEA | Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 |
IRF | International Road Federation |
IVHS | Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems |
HRB | Highway Research Board |
MUTCD | Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices |
NHTSA | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 |
PIARC | Permanent International Association of Road Congresses |
PPM | Policy and Procedure Memorandum |
PS&E | Plans, Specifications, and Estimates |
TRB | Transportation Research Board |
UMTA | Urban Mass Transportation Administration |
3R | Resurfacing, restoring, and rehabilitating |