The quality and usefulness of the Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population is a direct result of the many highway engineering practitioners and researchers who provided their comments and suggestions to the authors of this edition of the Handbook, as well as the previous two editions. The authors wish to acknowledge the following individuals for their assistance and support in making this third edition a success:
- Gene Amparano, FHWA Resource Center
- Mark Doctor, FHWA Resource Center
- Keith Harrison, FHWA Resource Center
- Ken Kochevar, FHWA California Division
- Fred Ranck, formerly with FHWA Resource Center
- Rebecca Crowe, FHWA Office of Safety
- Dick Schaffer, formerly with FHWA Office of Safety
- Scott Wainwright, formerly with FHWA Office of Operations
- Kevin Sylvester, FHWA Office of Operations, MUTCD Team
- Chris Monk, NHTSA
- Esther Wagner, NHTSA
- Brian Chodrow, NHTSA
- Mary Stahlihut, Iowa Department of Transportation
- Gail Holley, Florida Department of Transportation
- Charlene M. Wilder, Federal Transit Administration
The authors would also like to acknowledge Charlie Zegeer, Laura Sandt, and Carl Sundstrom of the FHWA Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center for their input to the pedestrian treatments included in the Handbook.