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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Get Help

"Apply online for technical assistance"The Office of Safety offers free technical assistance on policy, program, and technical issues to State and local roadway agencies through the Office's technical assistance program. Technical assistance is designed to help agencies to assess, develop, implement, or evaluate effective strategies and programs that reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries on public roads. Technical assistance is generally delivered through the following mechanisms:

  • Referral to an experienced peer or technical expert for support by telephone and email.
  • Onsite assistance from an experienced peer or technical expert.
  • Training workshop led by an experienced peer or technical expert.
  • Facilitated peer exchange conducted onsite or by web conference.

Read the technical assistance guidelines for more information about each of these types of assistance.

Topics on which agencies may seek technical assistance include:


Within the above mentioned topics, the program may address issues related to Federal-aid safety, including: