West Virginia
SHSP Key Components
Emphasis Areas
Conduct targeted high-visibility impaired driving enforcement activities.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messages to increase public awareness of the laws and dangers of impaired driving.
Evaluate the feasibility of re-instituting the administrative Hearings for DUI cases.
Improve data collection and monitoring of impaired driving trends.
Enhance highway safety data analysis through improvements to crash data collection and analysis capabilities.
Enhance highway safety data analysis through improvements to citation and adjudication data collection and analysis capabilities.
Enhance highway safety data analysis through improvements to injury surveillance data collection and analysis capabilities.
Enhance highway safety data analysis through continued improvements to the Roadway Information Systems.
Enhance highway safety data analysis through improvements to the vehicle licensing and registration system.
Enhance highway safety data analysis through improvements to the driver licensing system.
Improve overall data analysis capabilities through enhanced integration and coordination of the various highway safety data systems.
Improve overall highway safety data collection and analysis capabilities by developing training programs that educate users and collectors of highway safety data to enhance data collection and analysis capabilities.
Investigate legislation and policy changes related to highway safety data including electronic reporting requirements.
Implement high-visibility enforcement initiatives at locations identified as having intersection crash rates higher than the statewide average.
Explore the viability of implementing an automated red-light running enforcement program.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messaging to educate the public on traffic laws, new traffic control devices, and intersection safety.
Reduce the frequency and severity of intersection crashes through operational, geometric, and traffic control device improvements.
Implement policies and guidelines targeting safety improvements at intersections.
Develop and distribute consistent public information regarding the proper use of occupant protection equipment.
Establish a corporate outreach program to distribute information regarding occupant protection use to reach a broader audience.
Improve occupant protection use through effective and strategic enforcement practices.
Implement education programs that promote proficiency in the driving abilities of older drivers.
Engage additional stakeholders to improve educational outreach to older drivers and their families.
Evaluate the need for changes to driver’s license testing requirements focusing on the proficiency of older drivers.
Implement proven engineering countermeasures to reduce the likelihood of older driver involved crashes.
Incorporate changes to engineering policies to adopt appropriate design standards that reduce the likelihood of older driver involved crashes.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messages to educate the public about pedestrian safety.
Develop educational training programs to improve pedestrian safety awareness.
Install proven engineering countermeasures to improve pedestrian safety.
Develop policies and/or guidelines to support pedestrian safety measures.
Implement proven engineering countermeasures to reduce the likelihood of vehicles leaving a travel lane.
Implement proven engineering countermeasures to improve the roadside environment, minimizing the consequences of leaving the roadway.
Develop and distribute consistent public information regarding implementation of new engineering treatments.
Incident Management/EMS
Improve incident management and response to incidents by improving data sharing and enhancing incident management training to improve incident clearance times and reduce the likelihood of secondary incidents.
Conduct effective speeding and aggressive driving enforcement activities.
Explore the viability of implementing an automated speed enforcement program.
Develop and distribute consistent public information messages to increase public awareness of the consequences of speeding and aggressive driving.
Implement proven engineering countermeasures to effectively manage speeds.